
Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Various benefits of modular construction

Modular construction belongs to a method by which a building is developed off-site, under controlled plant conditions, with the use of the equivalent materials and designing based on the similar codes and standards as traditionally built facilities.

The construction can be done very rapidly. Buildings are built up in “modules” and assembled on site retaining the similar design intent and specifications.

Due to the factory-controlled process, fewer wastes are produced with fewer site disturbances and the construction process becomes tighter.

Greater Flexibility and Reuse: Modular buildings are easily detached and the modules are displaced or refurbished for being utilized newly thus curtailing the demand for raw materials and reducing the amount of energy extended to develop a building to fulfill the new requirement.

Less Material Waste: While developing in a factory, waste is reduced by recycling materials, controlling inventory and safeguarding building materials.

Superior Air Quality: Since the modular structure is physically finished in a factory-controlled setting with dry materials, the possibility for high levels of moisture being confined in the new construction is removed.

Compact Construction Schedule: Construction of modular buildings continues all together with site work & foundation work, facilitating the projects for being finished in half the time (30% to 50% faster) of conventional construction.

Removal of Weather Delays: 60 - 90% of the construction is done inside a factory, which alleviates the risk of weather delays. Buildings are captured quicker, facilitating a speedier return on investment.

Built to Code with Quality Materials: Modular buildings are constructed to satisfy or go beyond the identical building codes and standards as site-built structures, and the equivalent architect-specified materials applied in typically constructed buildings are utilized in modular construction projects – wood, concrete and steel.

Modular buildings are constructed with the identical materials and to the similar building codes and architectural specifications as conventional construction. After being assembled, they are physically impossible to differentiate from their site-built counterparts.

Safest Construction: The interior construction environment minimizes the risks of accidents and associated obligations for workers.

Superior Engineered Building & BIM: PMC depends on improved BIM for visualization to evaluate the energy performance and recognize the most money-spinning efficiency measures. PMC is best suited where the construction method is already a collaboration of systems, materials and people.

Unlimited Design Scopes: Modular units are designed to accommodate with external aesthetics of any prevailing building and modular units.

Various benefits of modular construction

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Published By
Rajib Dey

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