
Monday, July 30, 2018

The 7 Major Highway Cross Sectional Elements of a Road

Given below, the details of cross sectional components of a road

1) Right of way: Right of way or permanent land stands for the area of land obtained and conserved for construction and formation of a road along its alignment. The width of right of way is termed as permanent land width or road land width.

2) Road way / Formation width: The top width of a highway embankment or bottom width of highway cutting exclusive of the side drain is known as roadway width or formation width. It belongs to the sum of width of carriageway and the shoulders.

3) Carriageway: Carriageway or pavement or crust is defined as the segment of roadway developed for movement of vehicular traffic

4) Shoulder: The segments of roadway among the exterior edges of the pavement and edges of the top surface of the embankment or inside edges of the side drains in cutting are termed as shoulders.

The objective of shoulders

i) They offer lateral strength to the carriageway.
ii) They function as parking place for vehicle for emergency purpose.
iii) They arrange space for constructing road signals.
iv) They arrange space for animal drawn vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians.

5) Berm: The segments of land width kept among the toe of road embankment and the inner edges of borrow pits or the segments amid the top edges of road in cutting and the adjacent edges of spoil banks on either side are described as berm.

6) Building Line: It refers to the line, on either side of the road, among which and the road; no building activity can be done at all.

7) Control Line: It refers to the line which shows the nearby restraint of future unrestrained building activity concerning a road. It implies that though building activity is not entirely combined among the building line and control line, the nature of building allowable here is restricted.

The 7 Major Highway Cross Sectional Elements of a Road

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Published By
Rajib Dey

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