
Monday, April 2, 2018

Virtual Construction Monitoring with NavVis

The Construction industry is a slow adapter of technology now needed a huge speed in the process to get faster improvement and NavVis has many upgraded products.

About Virtual construction Monitoring

Construction industry is the slowest of all the technologies to adopt any kind of technology especially in Indian background and today’s construction work is much different from the previous ways. So the problems are also happen for various reasons such as lack of need, innovations, aptness of new local conditions, no cost advantage, less awareness about the work process, obstruction to change and many more. All over India, the speed of work technology has been taking the place and it is necessary to accept new inventions and technology to make sure cost upgradation, high quality standards and timely end of projects with the reduction of time wastage with limited resources used in construction.
So to fulfill all these demands using a tool is important which will be a big discovery in the construction industry in recent times which can provide lots of advantages to all the parties in the project such as project owners, investors, consultants, contractors, vendors or end users. Basically Virtual construction is nothing more than completing a construction project in a computer with every kind of material and information as like it is done in reality on the ground. So this type of virtually constructed model is available in most of the problems that can be faced in construction project would now be done in advance that will save both time and cost.
Besides the above benefits other benefits that can get form the virtual construction is:
  • Right bill of quantities estimation
  • Well arranged and clash free shop drawing production for construction
  • Automated input to CNC machines
  • Project monitoring as per cost and time

NavVis has developed a 3D scanning and imaging solution that is beneficial for the clients and builders in any construction project and any where they work and for the 3D scanning of interiors. The device has three wheels, six cameras, there laser scanners and sensors for capturing the point clouds, panoramic images and location data. The device can be handled easily, user just need to push the M3 Trolley into the spaces where it is need to scan and then the system will do the rest process. It is shown that with this device a man can scan up to 30000 square meters of spaces per day and can get a perfect, deep visual model of the interior of the building.

About NavVis

The NavVis company was established in the year of 2013 and was a research project in the past time and after that the workers worked a lot of on the technology to make it solid and capable to be the future helper of the construction industry. Besides the M3 Trolley, there are two other NavVis products named 3D visualization software and vision-based indoor positioning technology which make the big amount of special usable data. The newest NavVis product has appeared as a navigation technology that can be added into any previous or new developed app to navigate large or complicated building and can be used in Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, image recognition or locating the user’s position indoors. It is building an ecosystem of building owners, mapping partners and solution partners. NavVis provide open interfaces for application development and is a member of SAP PartnerEdgeecosystem. They have many partnerships also like Zynca BIM from Sweden, Allthings from Switzerland and Clove Technologies from India.

Visual Construction Management

IndoorView is a browser based user interface to the point clod of NavVis which can read the point- cloud data not only from the M3 Trolley but also takes data from other devices like drones or hand scanners. With the help of this NavVis product, a contractor and scan the site on a daily basis and edit the visual models with either comments or other information which is called upgraded feature of the IndoorViewer. In addition of that, it can also integrate the model data with project management or other software; contractors can track project progress every time and share images with exact location in the building. Basically it gives an exact visual record of a project that helps the contractor to do changes or rectify the problems.
To gather more information, go through the following construction Software
Virtual Construction Monitoring with NavVis
Published By
Rajib Dey

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