
Thursday, August 13, 2015

Materials for low cost house construction

Low Cost Housing is a concept of reducing the construction cost in the construction Industry through the use of locally available materials with new technology and upgraded skills. In low cost housing building material cost is less but it does not mean that these buildings are constructed with cheap building materials of low quality. However low cost housing is done by efficient planning and proper management of resources. Low cost housing helps the low income group peoples to accommodate themselves into the buildings with minimal cost. This low cost housing can be developed with low cost building materials and low budget.

How to choose materials for Low Cost Housing:-

A few steps are taken at the time of choosing materials for low cost housing. The life cycle of building or housing is going through by three steps, i.e. pre-building stage, building stage, and pro-building stage. These three stages signify flow of building materials via diversified phases of a building. Pre-building includes processing, packing and transportation which are part of manufacturing process. Building stage consist of construction, operation and maintenance. And, in the pro-building stage the materials are recycled or further used.

Each stage of building is formed in such a manner so that the energy can be preserved for the building.

Pollution Prevention: Raw materials for housing are extracted from the ground or harvested from forests to reduce less pollution to the environment. Materials may emit additional pollutants during their production, installation or use. So at the time of manufacturing, building materials should be suitable and acceptable to the environment.

Biodegradable: When a material is disposed, it is dissolved naturally. Natural as well as organic materials are very easily dissolved. So while choosing a material, the precaution should be taken regarding whether a material decomposes naturally or generates some venomous gases.

Low embodied energy: Embodied energy is to define that energy required to construction materials, the process of building and after-effect on the environment. The reduction of the building industry’s energy consumption is of great importance and low embodied energy provides great solution in solving the issue of energy consumption.

Reuse and Recycling: Reuse and recycle of building materials effect the housing process, the circulation of materials or used materials. The roles of waste products within local and geographical boundaries become important deliberation for architects. Basically, scraps from plastic materials, steel are used to recycle for producing new materials.

Consistency of Building Materials: The consistent building material can provide a great impact on longevity and stability of the building as well as reduces the cost of maintenance. The reduced maintenance costs lead to saving huge operating cost of a building.

Building construction material - Download

materials for house construction
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Published By
Rajib Dey

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