
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Renovation Construction Budget Spreadsheet

Renovation Construction Budget Spreadsheet
Implementing renovations, alterations or modifications in a construction requires a precisebudget planning. Whether it is a major change or a minor one, line item construction budget spreadsheet helps in preparing cost estimates in an organized and effective manner.

This spreadsheet is very simple to use. Users just need to fill out estimated and actual costs in the yellow cells with budget projections for each of the applicable line items. The rest of the cells are calculatedautomatically. As the project progresses, estimators can use the "Actual Cost" and "Change Order" columns to track their expenditures in relation to their budget projections. The various line items that must be considered to obtain the Total Project Cost include:

Sticks and Bricks: Demolition, New foundation and footings, ConcreteFlatwork- Interior, Foundation repair, Waterproofing, Structural remediation, Termite treatment, Masonry- Tuckpoint/ Repair, Carpentry- Rough Framing, Electrical Service, Water Service, Doors and Windows, Electrical wiring, Doors, Flooring, Painting, Appliances, Miscellaneous Building Materials, etc.

Site: Excavation and Grading, Site improvements, Fencing, Landscaping, etc.

Professional: Consultants like Accountant, Architect, Structural, and others.

Development: Property Acquisition, Property Inspections, Taxes, Insurance, Monthly Utilities like Electric, Gas, Security, Water. Sales Commission, Developer Fee, etc.

Renovation Construction Budget Spreadsheet

Construction Contingency: It is also necessary to provide accurate value for item estimate, unit cost, unit, accepted bid, actual cost, difference and other particulars to attain comprehensive renovation construction budget.

Published By
Rajib Dey


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