
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Perform Multi-Component Estimates inside One Framework through PRICE TruePlanning

PRICE TruePlanning™ is a cost estimating framework useful for estimating, business management, engineering & program management. It aids in minimizing the time and experience necessary to perform convincing, data-driven parametric estimating required at all stages of an organization ranging from executive, financial, and project/program estimating and management.

It performs as the only cost estimating supporting structure that can incorporate numerous cost models along with hardware, software, IT, assembly, and program management costs inside the same estimate. The PRICE TruePlanning framework develops the importance of numerous PRICE® Cost Models, facilitating estimators to be benefitted with quicker, more insightful, more consistent parametric estimating.

PRICE TruePlanning also allows clarifying the value of project cost histories in the parametric estimating procedure (by PRICE® TrueFindings™) and providing supports to combine dynamic Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and Cost Element Structure (CES) mapping (through PRICE® TrueMapper™).

 PRICE TruePlanning comes with great features and benefits that will help to create estimates as per your detailed requirements and preferences. Besides, TruePlanning cost estimating applies "discrete numerical values" for leading cost drivers, associated with historical data, to produce for more authentic calibration than competitive alternatives.

TruePlanning contains the following exclusive features:-

  • Generate estimates instantly and it helps users to make 30-60% savings in cost and cycle time.
  • Make analysis of alternatives (AoAs) easy, by contrasting the impacts of multiple variables.
  • Provide a basis for program maintenance activities throughout the prolonged period, for a superior life cycle cost estimating.
  • A product breakdown structure for System of Systems (SOS) estimating combining several components under one framework, involving parent-child file relationships that maintain all systems, subsystems, components, and processes inside a single file hierarchy.
  • The capacity to relate and view product breakdown structures, cost drivers and outputs in a solitary screen view simplifies the capacity to calculate design tradeoffs across diversified project variables.
  • Supplementary program attributes make flexibility in arranging, scrutinizing, and handling cost estimating data and procedures for better insight along with search and mass-edit, year-by-year and total-life-cycle-cost viewing, capability to evaluate views across numerous projects over time, and endless charting combinations to assure exceptional reporting requirements.
  • TruePlanning also comes with a wide array of Companion Applications that facilitate users to create custom applications and bring them into the TruePlanning estimation engine and cost models. These consist of an Activity Mapper, an Excel Solution bi-directional interface, Parametric Data Forms, a Sensitivity Analyzer, @Risk Integration, and Crystal Ball Integration.
 Perform Multi-Component Estimates inside One Framework through PRICE TruePlanning 
Published By
Arka Roy

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