
Thursday, October 1, 2020

Tribal Burial Sites Being Desecrated by Border Wall Construction

 The Kumeyaay people, whose nearness along the San Diego-Mexico border went before the international limit presently assigned by fencing President Donald Trump is invigorating with a wall, sued the government this week, guaranteeing border wall development is profaning holy burial sites.

The La Posta Band of Diegueno Mission Indians sued Trump, the Department of Homeland Security and border authorities in the Southern District of California on Tuesday, guaranteeing border wall development along San Diego's limit with Mexico abuses the Administrative Procedures Act and sacred privileges of tribal individuals.

They look for a directive incidentally blocking border wall development and for an observing system to permit tribal screens to stop work to recoup human remains and social things revealed during development.

Youthful tribal individuals have been driving a dissent by blocking access streets utilized for the border wall development venture. The tribe says its individuals have been undermined with capture and criminal trespass while endeavoring to get to sites to ask and participate in strict services inside the venture territory.

One of 12 groups of Kumeyaay people, the La Posta Reservation is situated along the Laguna Mountains 56 miles east of San Diego. Kumeyaay people have lived in the San Diego border area for a long time, traveling through an arrangement of trails, some of which have strict essentialness dependent on a creation story like the account of Genesis in the Bible.

The creation story highlights tourist spots of the Southern California landscape, including sites along the U.S.- Mexico border. "La Posta residents hold services and get-togethers at these spots, and without access to them, the Kumeyaay people can't rehearse their religion," the Native American tribe claims in its 19-page protest.

The Kumeyaay additionally have burial rehearses which require the correct treatment of perished tribal individuals in case of exhumation to guarantee legitimate reburial. They guarantee border wall development is polluting their tribal burial sites.

Only one "social screen" from the tribe has been permitted inside the 21-mile venture territory, as indicated by the protest. At the point when the social screen watched an exhumation, she was denied access to "appropriately treat the remaining parts in a socially proper way."

Published By
Rajib Dey

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Using Plastics for Sustainable Construction

 The significance of manageability and the use of sustainable materials in construction are increasing a fast movement in construction industry. As indicated by UNEP report, Buildings are utilizing practically 40% of the worldwide assets and furthermore liable for 33% of greenhouse gas discharges.

In this way, utilizing interchange assets like plastics in great applications not just give the answer for removal of these materials yet additionally spare assets being exhausted. Today, let us see how can we use plastics in sustainable construction.

Thermal and Acoustic Insulation by Plastics

Plastics can be utilized in Construction for different purposes like water-sealing, completing, heat sealing according to their properties. Building protection is commonly done utilizing materials acquired from normal sources (glass and rock fleeces) or from petrochemicals (mostly polystyrene).

Utilization of these materials causes antagonistic consequences for nature as a result of their high vitality devouring creation stage and removal stage. In this way, utilizing reused plastics in the spot of customary materials for warm protection and acoustic protection will decrease the carbon impression of the structure complex.

Using Plastics to make blocks

Plastics like PET can be utilized as block supplanting customary bricks and blocks. This can be accomplished by filling PET jug totally with sand and compacting it to use as a block.

Road Construction by Plastic

Plastics can be utilized in Road Construction. It builds the solidness of the streets.

Best properties of plastic in construction

Warm protection properties like thickness, warm conductivity, and explicit warmth are huge. For acoustic protection, sound retention and sound protection properties assume an essential job.

Published By
Rajib Dey

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Common Types of Gradients in Transportation Engineering

 Gradient is the pace of rise or fall along the length of the road as for the even. The positive gradient or the climbing is indicated as +n and the negative gradient as – n. So, what precisely is road gradient? It is the pace of rise or fall of road level along its length. It is communicated either as the pace of rise or fall to the even separation or as rate rise or fall.

The gradient of asphalt is represented by the components below:

1. Qualities of traffic
2. Physical components of the site, for example, waste, security, appearance, admittance to adjoining property.
3. Scaffold, approach road and railroad, line-convergence.

Those were the main factors for a gradient, but there can be some others, rarely.

Most Common Types of gradient

Ruling Gradient: The ruling gradient or the greatest gradient with which the originator endeavors to plan the vertical profile of the road.

This relies upon the territory, length of the evaluation, speed pulling power the vehicle and the presence of the level bend. In compliment territory, it might be conceivable to give level gradient, however in bumpy landscape it isn't practical and at times unrealistic moreover.

The ruling gradient is embraced by the fashioner by thinking about a specific as the plan and for a plan vehicle with standard measurements. Be that as it may, our nation has a heterogeneous traffic and thus it is beyond the realm of imagination to set down exact guidelines for the nation in general. Thus, IRC has suggested a few qualities for ruling gradient for various kinds of territory.

Limiting gradient: This gradient is embraced when the ruling gradient brings about tremendous increment in cost of development.

On moving territory and sloping landscape, it might be regularly important to receive limiting gradient stretches ought to be restricted and should be sandwiched by either straight roads or simpler levels.

Exceptional Gradient: Exceptional Gradient are more extreme given at unavoidable circumstances. They ought to be restricted for short stretches not surpassing around 100 meters at a stretch. In sloping and steep landscape, progressive exceptional gradients must be independent by a minimum 100 meters length gentler gradient. At barrette twists, the gradients are limited to 2.5%.

Minimum gradient: This is significant just at areas where surface waste is significant. Camber will deal with the horizontal waste.

Published By
Rajib Dey

Monday, September 28, 2020

Milwaukee Wood Skyscraper Wants to Reach Even Higher

 The city of Milwaukee Plan Commission and the Zoning, Neighborhoods and Development Committee have consistently affirmed changes to New Land Enterprises' Ascent private project that will include height, parking space and private units to the tall wood project. Thornton Tomasetti is the structural engineer.

In a letter to the board, Rocky Marcoux, leader secretary of the Plan Commission, said the progressions were driven by an update of the parking area that necessary an expansion in "strong divider area" to conform to vitality codes.

The building as now structured will present 231 homes, an expansion of 26 units, and 50 extra parking spaces, carrying the all out to 310. The progressions likewise take the structure from 21 stories to 23 however include just 9 feet, as indicated by city records. The in excess of 8,100 square feet of ground-floor business space was not influenced by the changes.

Notwithstanding the International Code Council and some U.S. wards joining tall wood structures into their building codes, some in the development and plan businesses are as yet uncertain about the security of tall wood structures with regards to fire.

Bill Parsons, an authorized engineer and VP of activities at WoodWorks, which gives training around wood buildings, just as free help for those designers seeking after tall wood projects, said that once finished, projects like the Ascent will help change that discernment.

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Published By
Rajib Dey

Saturday, September 26, 2020

World's Largest Ongoing Construction Projects

 The construction industry is suffering a slump due to the pandemic, but the giant construction projects all over the world are still ongoing. Here are the top ten ongoing construction projects around the world enumerated below.

1. Al Maktoum Airport, Dubai

Different airports don't set you up for the size of Dubai's Al Maktoum International Airport, which reaches out over in excess of 21 square miles. Booked for fulfillment in 2018, the office is intended to deal with 200 wide-body airplanes at once. The airport's subsequent development stage alone has an expected expense of more than $32 billion.

2. Jubail II, Saudi Arabia

This 22-year-long modern city project started its second stage in 2014 with a $11 billion expansion.When finished, it will contain in any event 100 mechanical plants, a 800,000 cubic meter desalination plant, miles of railroads, streets and thruways, and a petroleum processing plant delivering at any rate 350,000 barrels for each day. The whole project is scheduled to be done in 2024.

3. Dubailand, Dubai

Walt Disney World can fit multiple times inside this complex. With 278 square kilometers, the $64 billion Dubailand will have six sections: amusement parks, sports settings, eco-the travel industry, wellbeing offices, science attractions, and inns. It will likewise have the world's biggest lodging with 6,500 rooms and a 10 million square foot shopping center. The project is planned for fulfillment is 2025.

Published By
Rajib Dey

Friday, September 25, 2020

Most Common Measurement Units in Construction

 The units of measurements (UOM) for civil engineering works are mainly categorized for their nature, shape and size and for making payments to the contractor and also. The principle of units of measurements normally consists of the following matters:

1. Single units work like doors, windows, trusses etc., are expressed in numbers.
2. Works consisting linear measurements involve length like cornice, fencing, hand rail, bands of specified width etc., are expressed in running meters (RM).

3. Works consisting areal surface measurements involve area like plastering, white washing, partitions of specified thickness etc., and are expressed in square meters (m2).
4. Works consisting cubical contents which involve volume like earth work, cement concrete, Masonry etc. are expressed in Cubic meters.

The rules for measurement of each item are invariably described in IS-1200. However, some of the general thumb rules are listed as following.

Measurement shall be made for finished item of work and description of each item shall include materials, transport, labor, fabrication tools and plant and all types of overheads for finished the work in required shape, size and specification.

In booking, the order shall be in sequence of length, breadth and height or thickness. All works shall be measured subject to the following tolerances:

1. Linear measurement shall be measured to the nearest 0.01m.
2. Areas shall be measured to the nearest 0.01 SQM
3. Cubic contents shall be worked out to the nearest 0.01 cum.

Same type of work under different conditions and nature shall be measured separately under separate items. The bill of quantities shall fully describe the materials, proportions, workmanships and accurately represent the work to be executed. In case of masonry (stone or brick) or structural concrete, the categories shall be measured separately and the heights shall be described as:

Published By
Rajib Dey

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Some vital tips to select the exact frame for your steel building Share

 Before starting the design of any steel building, the type of frame perfectly suitable for the building should be chosen preliminary.

Steel buildings have good versatility and flexibility in frame design and application because of extreme strength to weight ratio of steel.

The strength and stability of steel helps in making a wide array of frame designs and styles to meet almost any requirement.

Given below, different types of frames for your steel building:

I-BEAM AND TAPERED BEAM: I-beam style frames are mostly recognized.

a. The frame is constructed with in-built plate sections connected together or from hot-rolled beams.
b. The "I" in I-beam originates from the cross-section of the beam that is shaped just like the letter that recognizes it.
c. The I-beam design is instrumental in building high-rise structures with highest strength and lowest material.

I-beam structures are also described as straight column buildings where the columns contain identical width across their length. The tapered beam belongs to a straight column rigid frame that expands the interior space.

Published By
Rajib Dey

Monday, September 21, 2020

Everything You Need to Know About Spalling Concrete

 Spalling of concrete or concrete spalling is where barely any pieces of the concrete break itself liberated from the structure and uncover the fortification or the internal parts of the concrete to the air.

Spalling is brought about by certain chemical reactions inside the concrete which lead to the development of unfamiliar items which are of high volume. These new items because of absence of room inside the concrete, will build the inner weight. Thus, splits are shaped to deliver this weight outside.

These breaks thusly will clear path for the air to additionally respond with the inside environment of the concrete and possibly expanding the risk of disappointment. The splits will additionally engender and make the concrete tumble off. It tends to be perceived that this issue is for the most part brought about by the Prevention of new items.

Common reasons why concrete spall:

These issues causing new items are framed because of the accompanying conditions:

1. Corrosion
2. Alkali aggregate reaction
3. Chemical attack
4. Sulfate attack
5. Pollution

Published By
Rajib Dey

Thursday, September 17, 2020

A Great Construction Cost Estimating App for Your Mobile

 Today, we will talk about the Construction Estimator Calculator, which is the best mobile software of its kind. This application is extremely valuable for civil engineers to compute their construction works. Different Civil classifications are accessible in this app. Peruse more to know more insights regarding this stunning mobile app.

Cost assessment in any task is most troublesome work. We don't realize that what will be the cost of your ideal task. Presently construction estimator is an android base application which will figure your venture cost in an exact manner.

It will compute your cost for two kind of building, one is for enormous structure and one for little house and so on. Principle highlight are Compute slap, steps, Beam, Column, dividers, floor and mortar and so forth.

This construction estimator produces exact outcome. construction estimator simple to utilize. construction estimator light weighted, keen estimator is all around planned and easy to use.

This app extraordinarily created for Civil engineer yet any one can utilize it. The construction Estimator encourages you figure the cost to fabricate your new building, garage, Home Or any Type Construction. Simply select the sort of your construction and afterward enter the necessary fields.

Published By
Rajib Dey

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Vancouver's Broadway SkyTrain Extension Project Set to Begin Soon

 The development on Broadway SkyTrain project to start this fall. as British Columbia government intends to have development to Arbutus Street in administration by 2025. The territory has affirmed that development on the Broadway tram project, which will expand a current SkyTrain line from East Vancouver to the Arbutus neighborhood, is set to proceed this fall as trusted regardless of the pandemic.

B.C. Head John Horgan said Thursday development will start inside months, with the objective of having the new line in administration by 2025. The beginning date and fruition deadline were declared over a year back. Thursday's declaration affirms the project will continue notwithstanding COVID-19.

"We are beginning the Broadway tram. This is simply thoroughly astonishing ... this is quite turning out. It's such an incredible thing and I'm so amped up for it," said Vancouver Mayor Kennedy Stewart. The project will expand the Millennium Line by 5.7 kilometers from VCC-Clark Station to the crossing point of Broadway and Arbutus Street on the city's West Side, with six new stations en route.

Horgan said Thursday the $1.73-billion agreement to plan and manufacture the line has been granted to the Broadway Subway Project Corp., an Acciona-Ghella joint endeavor. The leader of the B.C. Fast Transit Company, Michel Ladrak, said the new SkyTrain line will lighten pressure on the current 99B transport line.

He said the Broadway augmentation will have the option to convey multiple occasions the quantity of travelers than the transport, which is as of now the busiest transport course in Canada and the United States with 57,000 boardings per day.

Published By
Rajib Dey

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

The Water-Cement Ratio in Concrete

 Water cement ratio of concrete can be characterized as the ratio of the volume of water to the volume of cement utilized in a concrete mix. Water has an extraordinary function in the strength and functionality of concrete. After loads of investigations it has been discovered that for a particular extent of materials in a concrete mix, there is a sure measure of water that invigorates greatest.

The most significant factor deciding the strength of concrete is the water to cement ratio. It is the ratio of weight of mixing water (free water accessible for the response with cement) to that of cement in the mixture. Cement needs water of about 38% by weight for complete hydration. However, since the total hydration is a drawn-out cycle, and under useful conditions, the time of concrete mixing and projecting being short, the cement joins with just 23% of water.

On the off chance that solitary 23% of water is included while mixing, the concrete won't be serviceable in light of the fact that the water-cement ratio of 0.23 will be excessively less. So extra water will be required for functionality.

This water in overabundance of 23% by weight will dissipate on drying of concrete, making voids in it because of catching of air bubbles internal parts, subsequently decreasing the strength of concrete.

Expecting full compaction, and at a given age and ordinary temperature, strength of concrete can be taken to be conversely corresponding to the water-cement ratio. This is supposed the Abrams' law.

Water Cement Ratio Formula:

Water Cement Ratio Formula is utilized to ascertain Strength of concrete.


Published By

Rajib Dey


Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Steel Structures – Failures You Should Know About

 Steel is one of the famous construction materials close to concrete in the construction business. The high strength and flexibility are the essential properties of steel that make its place in practically all the renowned high rises far and wide.

Steel structures are created by singular steel individuals, welded or darted together to get a last unit. The slim individuals and joints are the basic focuses on a steel structure that must be intended for basic worries with most extreme consideration. Any variety or error can bring about auxiliary failures of the steel structure, which changes with the sort of burden acting and the kind of structure.

The article clarifies the basic failure methods of steel structures.

Types of Failures in Steel Structures:

The significant sorts of failures saw in a steel structure are:

1. Compression Failure
2. Tension Failure
3. Flexure Failure
4. Shear Failure

Compression Failure

While considering a steel structure, the individuals that are exposed to compression are columns and supports. At the point when the compression load following up on the pivot of the part is high (higher than the heap for which it was structured), it brings about compression failure or clasping of the part.

The plan of the column structure includes the assurance of a parameter called the thinness proportion. The slimness proportion is characterized as the proportion of the cross-sectional zone of the basic component to the length of the part. This parameter impacts locking in structures—higher the thinness proportion of the allowed part more to clasp.

Steel Structures – Failures You Should Know About

Published By
Rajib Dey

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Types of Drawings used in House Construction Industry

 Various sorts of drawings are utilized in development, for example, architectural drawings, auxiliary, electrical, plumbing and finishing drawings. These drawings give design plans and subtleties to development of every single piece of the structure.

Drawings assumes a significant job in the development field to pass on the philosophies and viewpoint of the architect to the layman at site.

The drawings might be utilized to show the general appearance, inside or outside the structure, or they might be utilized to demonstrate exact estimations and different subtleties for development.

Kinds of Construction Drawings:

There are diverse kind of drawing utilized for the development cycle. Contingent on the reason they serve, development drawings are separated into 5 types, with their own divisions. Each of them are briefly described below.

1. Architectural Drawing: Architectural drawing can be named as the mother drawing for the various drawings utilized for development. It contains all the subtleties of the undertaking, for example, area site plan, setting out plan, elevations, areas and different subtleties.

1.1 Site Plan: This is essential drawing utilized for stamping out the plan on the ground. It describes the area, direction and data about the site's geography, arranging utilities, and site work.

1.2 Working Plan: This drawing gives the data of level components of the structure, thickness of dividers, clear spaces inside the structure and column areas. it likewise shows the openings required in the structure, for example, entryways, windows and ventilators.

1.3 Section Drawings: Area drawings describes the material of development to be utilized, statures and estimation of the various parts of structures, sort of auxiliary segments, for example, kind of slab, and so forth. It describes the drawing when the structure is sliced through a vertical plane.

1.4 Elevation Drawing: Elevation drawing describes the data of openings, size and state of outer surface, stature of building and finish of the structure after culmination. These drawings are made by having a tasteful perspective on the structure.

Types of Drawings used in House Construction Industry

Published By
Rajib Dey

Monday, September 7, 2020

Drilling into Rocks

 Drilling, otherwise called boring, is handily done by utilizing specific gear called rock drills. Rock is one of the hardest substances to drill into. It is also a material that is highly usable for many purposes. If you have a rock, or something made of rock that you want holes drilled into, you do not need to call a professional mason to do the job for you. If you have the right tools, you can do the job yourself for far less.
A rock drill is a drilling device designed specifically for penetrating rock, for use in activities like digging wells, preparing foundations, and mineral exploration. A number of companies manufacture rock drills, often offering a lineup of several models to meet various needs. This equipment tends to be expensive and special training is required to use it. Drills can be leased, and operators can be hired by companies that do not have a full time need for a rock drill and operator.
Drilling through rock presents a challenge because the substrate is very hard. Ordinary drills can be damaged quickly. Rock drills feature especially hard bits made with materials like industrial diamonds, along with lubrication and cooling systems to limit stress caused by friction. The drill can also use an air blower to clear out the drilling hole as the drill penetrates, limiting damage to the drill caused by rock dust and other particulate materials.
Rock drills can be attached to drilling rigs for jobs when it's necessary to drill very deeply. They can also be manually controlled by an operator, in the form of a pneumatic rock drill with a throttle. In both cases, people must wear appropriate eye, ear, and facial protection when working around the drill. These drills are noisy, and inhaling rock dust or getting it in the eyes can be very uncomfortable. Drilling teams and personnel in the area usually wear facial screens and ear plugs to limit injuries associated with their work.
Drilling into Rocks

Published By
Rajib Dey

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Details guidelines on RCC Staircase Design

 RCC or reinforced concrete structures comprise of various building elements like Footings, Columns, Beams, Slabs, Staircase etc.

These elements are reinforced with steel to increase the strength of the structure. Staircase is considered as one such vital element in a RCC structure.

Given below, the details on several types of staircases and how the design is created for the dog-legged reinforced cement concrete staircase.

Stairs: There are lots of steps in a stair which are organized in a series to provide entry to various floors of a building. As a stair is the only medium for making communication among different floors of a building, the position of the stair should be perfect.

In a residential building, the staircase should remain adjacent to the main entrance.

In a public building, the stairs should be constructed from the main entrance itself and situated centrally, to give rapid entry to the main apartments.

There should be adequate lighting and suitable ventilation for all staircases.

Different types of Staircases - a. Straight stairs, b. Dog-legged stairs, c. Open newel stair and d. Geometrical stair

RCC Dog-legged Staircase design: In this type of staircase, the subsequent flights mount in opposite directions. The two flights in plan are not detached with a well. A landing is arranged in accordance with the level at which the direction of the flight varies.

Method for Dog-legged Staircase design: Depending on the direction along which a stair slab extents, the stairs are categorized into the following two types.

1. Stairs extending to the horizontal direction
2. Stairs extending to the vertical direction

Details guidelines on RCC Staircase Design

Published By
Rajib Dey

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Common thumb rules for civil engineering works

 Thumb Rules is very important for any civil engineer, Site engineer or civil supervisor to obtain instant decisions on the construction site. By applying thumb, the engineers can get the solution with a simple mathematical formula and take proper decisions wherever required. Before applying these thumb rules, it should be kept in mind that the thumb rule can only provide fairly accurate results never the correct results.

The following types of thumb rules for civil engineers are commonly used in construction work :-

Thumb rule for measuring the Concrete Volume relating to the area:
The volume of concrete necessary = 0.038 m3/square feet area.

As for instance, if Plan Area = 40 x 20 = 800 Sq. m., total necessary volume of concrete will be as follow :-
= 800 x 0.038m3 = 30.4m3

Thumb rule for Steel quantity necessary for Slab, Beams, Footings & Columns:
Essential quantity of steel in residential buildings = 4.5 Kgs – 4.75 Kgs / Sq. Ft.
Essential quantity of steel in commercial buildings = 5.0 Kgs-5.50 Kgs/Sq. Ft.

Thumb Rules For Civil Engineers recommended by B N Datta for the Steel quantity that will be applied for several members of the building :-

Proportions of Steel in Structural Members:

1) Slab – 1% of the total volume of concrete
2) Beam – 2% of the total volume of concrete
3) Column – 2.5% of total volume of concrete
4) Footings – 0.8% of the total volume of concrete

Common thumb rules for civil engineering works

Published By
Rajib Dey

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Some important thumb rules for making the layout of any Column

 Guidelines to be followed for making A column layout is created on the basis of the following directions :-

The design of columns should be made with regard to the total forces operating on the structure. In order to avoid errors, there are some important thumb rules which should be followed by every Civil engineer and Architect.

The following three thumb rules should be followed:

1. Size of the Columns
2. Spaces among Columns
3. Alignment of columns

Minimum Size of RCC columns: The size of the columns is based on the total loads operating on the columns which range from axial loads and lateral loads. Large beam spans cause bending moment in the beams as well as in columns which are drawn by the stresses in the beams.

To apply this general thumb rule, presume a structure of G+1 floors high, with standard 6? walls. Least size of an RCC column should not be under 9? x 12? (225mm x 300mm) with 4 bars of 12 MM Fe415 Steel.

The dimension of the column should be 9? x 12? (225 mm x 300mm) with 6 bars of 12 MM Fe500 steel. It is recommended to utilize M20 grade concrete for the structure (ratio 1 part Cement : 1.5 parts Sand : 3 parts Aggregate with 0.5 parts water by volume). It is also suggested to utilize 8 MM stirrups at a span of 150 MM center to center all through the length of column.

This setup of 9? x 12? RCC columns is secured for G+1 Floors.

Spaces (distance) among two columns: To install the above column, a distance of up to 5 meters should be maintained. It is suggested to apply beams of size 9? X 12? (225 MM x 300MM) having a slab thickness of 5? (125 MM) cast in M20 concrete for spans up to 5m. Some other factors like secondary and tertiary spans, point loads and wall loads which should also be taken into consideration. The thumb rules can be useful when the structure is simple.

Some important thumb rules for making the layout of any Column

Published By
Rajib Dey

Basics of Cement Concrete for beginners

 Numerous individuals imagine that cement and concrete are a similar item – they are definitely not. Cement is a dry powdered synthetic that, when blended in with water, gradually responds to shape another hard, strong compound. Then again, concrete is a blend of cement mixed with water and different sizes of aggregates. The cement and water structure a glue that sticks the aggregates together when it solidifies.

Concrete, in its newly blended state, is a plastic serviceable blend that can be framed into practically any alluring shape. It starts to gradually harden when blended, yet stays plastic and serviceable for a few hours. This is a long enough period to permit it to be put and wrapped up. After it takes its underlying set, it keeps on picking up quality for a considerable length of time and some of the time years if dampness keeps on being available.

Concrete has two parts; aggregate and glue. Aggregates for the most part are of two sizes; fine and coarse. Fine aggregates are those with molecule sizes littler than about 5mm, generally known as sand, which can be common or fabricated. Coarse aggregates are those with molecule sizes more prominent than about 5mm. Rock, squashed stone and impact heater slag are among the most regularly utilized coarse aggregates.

Glue is made out of cement, fly ash, water and now and then entrained air. The cementing property of the glue results from a synthetic response between the cement and water. This response is called hydration. It is a response that requires time and good states of temperature and dampness.

Curing is the giving of great temperature and dampness conditions over some undefined time frame sufficiently long to permit the hydration procedure to move toward culmination. With appropriate curing, hydration happens quickly from the outset, and afterward diminishes gradually for quite a while. This permits the concrete to grow great quality and strength. Keep in mind, concrete needs proceeded with dampness to solidify appropriately. It ought not dry out excessively fast.

The compressive quality of concrete, estimated by how much power is required to squash it, is significant in the plan of structures. In asphalts and different sections on ground, the structure is normally founded on flexural quality, (i.e; how much power the concrete can withstand in twisting before it breaks). In either case, the chief variables influencing quality are the water-cement proportion and the degree to which hydration has advanced.

Basics of Cement Concrete for beginners

Published By
Rajib Dey

Friday, August 28, 2020

Basic differences among RC slab and RB slab

 RC Slab: RC Slab stands for a horizontal structural component of steel reinforced concrete. Generally, the thickness of RC slab varies from 100mm to 500mm. RC Slabs are frequently applied as floorings, ceilings etc. Slabs are supported on two sides only or contain beams on all four sides.

RC slabs are erected with formwork, that is generally created with wooden planks, boards, plastic & steel. In recent times, prefabricated RC slabs are also utilized. RC Slab is also termed as Reinforced Concrete Slab that arranges reinforcement for retaining the strength of the structure. Straight bar and alternative cranked bars are also applied as reinforcement in the RC slabs.

RB slabs: RB slab stands for a reinforced brick slab that is suitable for floorings and ceilings. RB slab is erected with steel reinforcement arranging spacing with the bricks. The construction cost of RB slab is less with regard to RC slab.

An RC slab alias Reinforced Cement slab is found in buildings and in bridge construction. The reinforcement is provided with steel bars which are arranged with some distances according to design and based on the load the slab has to undergo.

An RB slab alias Reinforced Brick slab is ideal for roofs in buildings. It is less costly as compared to RC slabs. The reinforcement is provided with steel bars which are arranged with some distances according to design and based on the load the slab has to undergo.

The distance among the bars is occupied by bricks which are arranged on its edge. The depth of the slab remains 4.5 in. The bars are provided among the bricks in both directions. The cement-sand mortar along with least possible water quantity is used to fill up the distance among the bars.

Basic differences among RC slab and RB slab

Published By
Rajib Dey

Thursday, August 27, 2020

The role of Site Engineer & Project Engineer in a construction project

 Site engineers and project engineers frequently work in tandem on a job performing various things. Both play important role for major projects with equally significant liabilities.

Comparing Site Engineers to Project Engineers: Both the site engineers and project engineers take diverse liabilities for accomplishment for different types of construction projects.

Site engineers have sound technical skills which can be applied for specific engineering aspects of the project. Project engineers supervise the general operation of the project. They acquire the resource orders, deal with clients, and coordinate with designers and other engineers.

Given below, the basis differences among site engineers and project engineers :-

Liabilities of Site Engineers vs. Project Engineers

Site engineers perform according to a designer's plans, engineer's specifications and city codes to execute their jobs. Conversely, the project engineers perform very intimately with management and planners in an consultative manner to produce blueprints that fulfill the objectives of the clients as well as city and state codes.

Site Engineers: The site engineers may possess an office somewhere, but in several occasions they are active at the job site ensuring specific jobs are accomplished perfectly and with adherence to code.

These engineers examine that a building's wiring is completed properly, the plumbing will not leak, or the walls will not fall. They also have to rationalize modifications to orders, redrawing alternate plans and settling technical problems instantly and within the budget.

Given below, the liabilities of a site engineer:

The role of Site Engineer & Project Engineer in a construction project

Published By
Rajib Dey

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Some useful tips to examine concrete formwork in job site

 The finalized inspection of concrete formwork should be examined prior to set the reinforcement bars in exact location. By implementing perfect form work, honey combing, blow holes, grout less or discoloration of concrete can be circumvented and consequently the finished surface of concrete becomes superior.

Prior to commencement of concreting work, shuttering surface should be fully cleansed and does not contain any defect/deposits in order to provide rightly straight smooth concrete surface. Shuttering surface does not contain any damage and unnecessary roughness to its surface.

While building concrete form work, the following should be examined properly.

1. Any member to be retained in position once the general dismantling is completed, should be labeled perfectly.
2. The applicable materials should be thoroughly examined in order that no incorrect items/rejects are utilized.
3. When excavations exist nearby reformatory and strengthening action should be undertaken to impact the safety of form work.
4. The quality of bearing soil should be strong and it should be arranged properly and the sole plates should bear well on the ground. Sole plates should be perfectly placed on their bearing pads or sleepers. The bearing plates of steel props should not be deformed. There should be adequate bearing areas for the steel sections on the bearing members.

5. There should be proper safety provisions to get rid of impact of traffic, scour caused by water and accidental impacts.
6. To maintain proper strength and durability of form work at intermediate stage, bracing, struts and ties should be provided together with the advancement of form work. Avoid ‘Tilting and overturning of steel sections.
7. While applying customizable steel props, no damage and evident bents should be observed; steel pins should be arranged, restricted latterly near each end.
8. Screw adjustments of adaptable props should not be over extended.

Some useful tips to examine concrete formwork in job site

Published By
Rajib Dey

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Details guidelines on RCC Staircase Design

 RCC or reinforced concrete structures comprise of various building elements like Footings, Columns, Beams, Slabs, Staircase etc.

These elements are reinforced with steel to increase the strength of the structure. Staircase is considered as one such vital element in a RCC structure.

Given below, the details on several types of staircases and how the design is created for the dog-legged reinforced cement concrete staircase.

Stairs: There are lots of steps in a stair which are organized in a series to provide entry to various floors of a building. As a stair is the only medium for making communication among different floors of a building, the position of the stair should be perfect.

In a residential building, the staircase should remain adjacent to the main entrance.

In a public building, the stairs should be constructed from the main entrance itself and situated centrally, to give rapid entry to the main apartments.

There should be adequate lighting and suitable ventilation for all staircases.

Different types of Staircases - a. Straight stairs, b. Dog-legged stairs, c. Open newel stair and d. Geometrical stair.

RCC Dog-legged Staircase design: In this type of staircase, the subsequent flights mount in opposite directions. The two flights in plan are not detached with a well. A landing is arranged in accordance with the level at which the direction of the flight varies.

Method for Dog-legged Staircase design: Depending on the direction along which a stair slab extents, the stairs are categorized into the following two types.

Details guidelines on RCC Staircase Design

Published By
Rajib Dey

Monday, August 24, 2020

Types, applications and benefits of aggregates

 Aggregates are the vital components in concrete. They are granular materials obtained from the natural rocks, crushed stones as well as natural gravels and sands. The aggregates are amalgamated with a binding material in fixed ratios to form concrete.

Aggregates normally capture about 70% to 80% of the concrete volume and they significantly affect the different properties like strength, hardness and stability of the concrete. Aggregates function as fillers or volume increasing components.

Applications of aggregates:

1. They are used as an underlying material for foundations and pavements.

2. They are used as constituents in portland cement concrete & asphalt concrete.

Properties of Aggregate: Aggregate should contain the properties given below -

1. It should be chemically static that means they should not respond to cement or any other aggregate or admixture.

2. It should contain adequate hardness to avoid scratching and erosion in the hardened state.

3. It should contain adequate toughness to sustain impact and vibratory loads.

4. It should be physically strong to carry compressive and normal tensile loads in ordinary mixture.

5. It should not contain impurities, inorganic or organic in nature for which the quality of concrete will be affected significantly.

6. It should have capabilities to produce usable plastic mixture after getting mixed with cement and water.

Types, applications and benefits of aggregates

Published By
Rajib Dey