
Friday, August 28, 2020

Basic differences among RC slab and RB slab

 RC Slab: RC Slab stands for a horizontal structural component of steel reinforced concrete. Generally, the thickness of RC slab varies from 100mm to 500mm. RC Slabs are frequently applied as floorings, ceilings etc. Slabs are supported on two sides only or contain beams on all four sides.

RC slabs are erected with formwork, that is generally created with wooden planks, boards, plastic & steel. In recent times, prefabricated RC slabs are also utilized. RC Slab is also termed as Reinforced Concrete Slab that arranges reinforcement for retaining the strength of the structure. Straight bar and alternative cranked bars are also applied as reinforcement in the RC slabs.

RB slabs: RB slab stands for a reinforced brick slab that is suitable for floorings and ceilings. RB slab is erected with steel reinforcement arranging spacing with the bricks. The construction cost of RB slab is less with regard to RC slab.

An RC slab alias Reinforced Cement slab is found in buildings and in bridge construction. The reinforcement is provided with steel bars which are arranged with some distances according to design and based on the load the slab has to undergo.

An RB slab alias Reinforced Brick slab is ideal for roofs in buildings. It is less costly as compared to RC slabs. The reinforcement is provided with steel bars which are arranged with some distances according to design and based on the load the slab has to undergo.

The distance among the bars is occupied by bricks which are arranged on its edge. The depth of the slab remains 4.5 in. The bars are provided among the bricks in both directions. The cement-sand mortar along with least possible water quantity is used to fill up the distance among the bars.

Basic differences among RC slab and RB slab

Published By
Rajib Dey

Thursday, August 27, 2020

The role of Site Engineer & Project Engineer in a construction project

 Site engineers and project engineers frequently work in tandem on a job performing various things. Both play important role for major projects with equally significant liabilities.

Comparing Site Engineers to Project Engineers: Both the site engineers and project engineers take diverse liabilities for accomplishment for different types of construction projects.

Site engineers have sound technical skills which can be applied for specific engineering aspects of the project. Project engineers supervise the general operation of the project. They acquire the resource orders, deal with clients, and coordinate with designers and other engineers.

Given below, the basis differences among site engineers and project engineers :-

Liabilities of Site Engineers vs. Project Engineers

Site engineers perform according to a designer's plans, engineer's specifications and city codes to execute their jobs. Conversely, the project engineers perform very intimately with management and planners in an consultative manner to produce blueprints that fulfill the objectives of the clients as well as city and state codes.

Site Engineers: The site engineers may possess an office somewhere, but in several occasions they are active at the job site ensuring specific jobs are accomplished perfectly and with adherence to code.

These engineers examine that a building's wiring is completed properly, the plumbing will not leak, or the walls will not fall. They also have to rationalize modifications to orders, redrawing alternate plans and settling technical problems instantly and within the budget.

Given below, the liabilities of a site engineer:

The role of Site Engineer & Project Engineer in a construction project

Published By
Rajib Dey

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Some useful tips to examine concrete formwork in job site

 The finalized inspection of concrete formwork should be examined prior to set the reinforcement bars in exact location. By implementing perfect form work, honey combing, blow holes, grout less or discoloration of concrete can be circumvented and consequently the finished surface of concrete becomes superior.

Prior to commencement of concreting work, shuttering surface should be fully cleansed and does not contain any defect/deposits in order to provide rightly straight smooth concrete surface. Shuttering surface does not contain any damage and unnecessary roughness to its surface.

While building concrete form work, the following should be examined properly.

1. Any member to be retained in position once the general dismantling is completed, should be labeled perfectly.
2. The applicable materials should be thoroughly examined in order that no incorrect items/rejects are utilized.
3. When excavations exist nearby reformatory and strengthening action should be undertaken to impact the safety of form work.
4. The quality of bearing soil should be strong and it should be arranged properly and the sole plates should bear well on the ground. Sole plates should be perfectly placed on their bearing pads or sleepers. The bearing plates of steel props should not be deformed. There should be adequate bearing areas for the steel sections on the bearing members.

5. There should be proper safety provisions to get rid of impact of traffic, scour caused by water and accidental impacts.
6. To maintain proper strength and durability of form work at intermediate stage, bracing, struts and ties should be provided together with the advancement of form work. Avoid ‘Tilting and overturning of steel sections.
7. While applying customizable steel props, no damage and evident bents should be observed; steel pins should be arranged, restricted latterly near each end.
8. Screw adjustments of adaptable props should not be over extended.

Some useful tips to examine concrete formwork in job site

Published By
Rajib Dey

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Details guidelines on RCC Staircase Design

 RCC or reinforced concrete structures comprise of various building elements like Footings, Columns, Beams, Slabs, Staircase etc.

These elements are reinforced with steel to increase the strength of the structure. Staircase is considered as one such vital element in a RCC structure.

Given below, the details on several types of staircases and how the design is created for the dog-legged reinforced cement concrete staircase.

Stairs: There are lots of steps in a stair which are organized in a series to provide entry to various floors of a building. As a stair is the only medium for making communication among different floors of a building, the position of the stair should be perfect.

In a residential building, the staircase should remain adjacent to the main entrance.

In a public building, the stairs should be constructed from the main entrance itself and situated centrally, to give rapid entry to the main apartments.

There should be adequate lighting and suitable ventilation for all staircases.

Different types of Staircases - a. Straight stairs, b. Dog-legged stairs, c. Open newel stair and d. Geometrical stair.

RCC Dog-legged Staircase design: In this type of staircase, the subsequent flights mount in opposite directions. The two flights in plan are not detached with a well. A landing is arranged in accordance with the level at which the direction of the flight varies.

Method for Dog-legged Staircase design: Depending on the direction along which a stair slab extents, the stairs are categorized into the following two types.

Details guidelines on RCC Staircase Design

Published By
Rajib Dey

Monday, August 24, 2020

Types, applications and benefits of aggregates

 Aggregates are the vital components in concrete. They are granular materials obtained from the natural rocks, crushed stones as well as natural gravels and sands. The aggregates are amalgamated with a binding material in fixed ratios to form concrete.

Aggregates normally capture about 70% to 80% of the concrete volume and they significantly affect the different properties like strength, hardness and stability of the concrete. Aggregates function as fillers or volume increasing components.

Applications of aggregates:

1. They are used as an underlying material for foundations and pavements.

2. They are used as constituents in portland cement concrete & asphalt concrete.

Properties of Aggregate: Aggregate should contain the properties given below -

1. It should be chemically static that means they should not respond to cement or any other aggregate or admixture.

2. It should contain adequate hardness to avoid scratching and erosion in the hardened state.

3. It should contain adequate toughness to sustain impact and vibratory loads.

4. It should be physically strong to carry compressive and normal tensile loads in ordinary mixture.

5. It should not contain impurities, inorganic or organic in nature for which the quality of concrete will be affected significantly.

6. It should have capabilities to produce usable plastic mixture after getting mixed with cement and water.

Types, applications and benefits of aggregates

Published By
Rajib Dey

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Step-by-step guidelines to calculate the volume of a trapezoidal footing

 Isolated footings alias pad or spread footings are mostly found in shallow foundations with the intention of conveying and distribution of concentrated loads resulting from columns or pillars. Isolated footings either comprise of reinforced or non-reinforced material. For the non-reinforced footing, the height of the footing should be larger to maintain the required spreading of load.

To apply Isolated footings, there should not be fluctuating settlements under the whole building.

Necessity of materials for Isolated Footing : The following materials will be utilized for building up a isolated footing - Shutter Material, MS Rod, Binding Wire, Cover Block and Chair, Concrete.

Shutter Material for Isolated Footing: In isolated footing, generally wooden shutter materials are utilized. Often, steel shutter materials can also be applied.

This type of footing is utilized under the following conditions : Columns are not arranged narrowly. Fewer loads enforce on footings. The safe bearing strength of the soil is usually extreme.

In this construction video tutorial, one will learn how to make calculation for finding out the volume of Trapezoidal Footing at construction site.

Trapezoidal footing is formed by combining cuboid & truncated pyramid. Cuboid may be rectangular or square in shape. A special case of footings is the trapezoidal footing that may be utilized to bear two columns of unbalanced loads when distance outside the column of the massive load is restricted.

A trapezoidal footing is applied in such a manner that the center of gravity of the footing is located under the outcome of the loads. In that order, the distribution of contact pressure will be consistent.

Step-by-step guidelines to calculate the volume of a trapezoidal footing

Published By
Rajib Dey

Friday, August 21, 2020

Types of Leveling Methods in Surveying

 Leveling is the most generally utilized technique for getting the elevations of ground points comparative with a reference datum and is normally done as a different system to those utilized in fixing planimetric position. The fundamental idea of leveling includes the estimation of vertical separation comparative with a horizontal line of sight. Consequently, it requires a graduated staff for the vertical estimations and an instrument that gives a horizontal line of sight.

The different types of Leveling in ground survey are:

a. Precise or Geodetic Leveling
b. Ordinary or Simple Leveling

Techniques for Leveling

Techniques for leveling might be immediate, for example:

1. Simple Leveling
2. Differential Leveling
3. Profile Leveling
4. Cross Sectioning

5. Reciprocal Leveling
6. Precise leveling
7. Check Leveling
8. Fly Leveling

Or then again might be aberrant, e.g.

1. Trigonometric Leveling
2. Barometric Leveling
3. Hypsometry

Types of Leveling Methods in Surveying

Published By
Rajib Dey

Thursday, August 20, 2020

How to estimate cement bags in 1 cubic meter

 Suppose the proportion of nominal mix is 1:2:4 (one part cement, 2 part sand and 4 part aggregate)

Wastage of cement is taken as 2%
Output of mix is provided as 67%.

For 1 cum output, the requirement of dry mix is 1/0.67 = 1.49 say 1.50 cum.
After including the wastage (2%), the output will be (1.50 + 0.02) = 1.52 cum.
Volume of cement = (cement/cement+sand+aggregate) × Total material

= (1/1+2+4) × 1.52
=0.2171 cum
The density of cement is 1440 kg/cum and
Weight of 1 bag cement = 50 kg.

So, volume of 1 bag cement = 50/1440
=0.0347 cum.
No. of cement bags essential in 1 cubic meter = 0.2171/0.0347
= 6.25 bags.
The above formula can be utilized for measuring cement for other nominal mixes.

To get more details, watch the following video tutorial.

How to estimate cement bags in 1 cubic meter

Published By
Rajib Dey

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Some important points for civil site engineer

 Civil engineer accomplishes several tasks at construction site. Given below, some points, tips and tricks essential for a civil engineer for doing rapid calculations and providing instant solutions to construction site problems.

Given below, some general points which civil site engineers should focus on to simplify the construction work whereas retaining the quality of construction.

Lapping should not be provided for the bars with diameters in excess of 36 mm.

Highest spacing for chair should be 1.00 m (or) 1 No per 1m2.
For dowels rod, lowest 12 mm diameter should be applied.

For Chairs, bars with minimum diameter of 12 mm should be utilized.
Longitudinal reinforcement should remain not below 0.8% and in excess of 6% of gross C/S.
Least bars for square column is 4 No’s and 6 No’s for circular column.
Main bars in the slabs should not be under 8 mm (HYSD) or 10 mm (Plain bars) and the distributors should not be under 8 mm and not in excess of 1/8 of slab thickness.

Least thickness of slab should be 125 mm.
Dimension tolerance for cubes should be + 2 mm.
Free fall of concrete is permissible maximum to 1.50m.
Lap slices should not be applied for bar greater than 36 mm.
Water absorption of bricks should not be in excess of 15 %.
PH value of the water should not be under 6.

Some important points for civil site engineer

Published By
Rajib Dey

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Stirrups in a Concrete Beam

 As engineers, we plan fortified concrete members and frequently we are approached to watch the steel reinforcement in field before the concrete is set. We must ensure the concrete establishments, beams, segments, and so forth are fabricated the manner in which they were structured. During our perceptions we regularly find that steel beam stirrups, utilized in fortified concrete plan, are not introduced accurately and it isn't in every case clear to the installer why they are significant.

Truly, beam stirrups had been utilized sparingly in private development. In any case, as of late concrete beam sizes have gotten shallower and ranges have expanded. We would say, this has been the aftereffect of structural plan and building tenant prerequisites. The expanded expense of establishment components, for example, bored docks, has additionally been a factor. Expanding concrete beam ranges, to lessen the requirement for extra wharfs, has brought about the requirement for the utilization of steel stirrups.

Usage of Stirrups

Concrete beams shift inside and out. The more profound the beam, the more shear limit. At the point when the profundity isn't satisfactory, steel stirrups must be added to expand the shear limit of the beam. These stirrups are normally one bit of steel that is twisted into a rectangular shape. Regularly little distance across steel is utilized, for example, #3 and #4 rebar. The stirrup normally folds over the base and top bars of the beams.

A planner ought to determine the size, dispersing and area along the length of the beam where the stirrups are required. We like to indicate the stirrup measurements in our areas, with the goal that the stirrup can be made before establishment. Stirrups will be required at zones of high shear, for example, bearing focuses and beneath huge point loads.

The installer ought to be mindful so as to manufacture the stirrup from one bit of steel and sufficiently cover each end (contact the Structural Engineer or allude to the ACI code for varieties). Again and again, the stirrup isn't pre-manufactured and the installer attempts make the stirrup in the field, after the flat bars are as of now set up.

This is normally self-evident, in light of the fact that the stirrup is built from two pieces with insufficient lap join. It is a lot simpler and effective to introduce a stirrup simultaneously the even reinforcement is being introduced. Continuously contact the Structural Engineer with any inquiries concerning size, shape, separating and establishment of stirrups preceding assessment. This will help forestall a minute ago changes, while the concrete truck is pausing.

Stirrups are closed circle bars tied at normal stretches in beam reinforcement to hold the bars in position. Sidelong ties are utilized to hold the situation of the reinforcement in a segment without upsetting the concrete space.

Stirrups in a Concrete Beam

Published By
Rajib Dey

Monday, August 17, 2020

Some useful tips to work out the length of the bent bars

 While fabricating reinforcing bars with bends, the straight bar is primarily cut to a length that is under the sum of the specified dimensions of the bent bar.

The variation among the detailed length and the cut length belongs to the “bend curvature deduction” and called as various names like gain, creep, and gyp. Usually, the fabricators and programmers get the bend curvature deduction from a bend deduction table.

In the following table 1, the deductions for 45- and 90-degree bends of common bar sizes are provided.

Figure 1 illustrates a No. 8 (No. 25) bar with a standard hook and sides estimating 1 ft 4 in. and 4 ft (400 and 1220 mm). The detailed length of this bar is obtained by summing up the two sides, or 5 ft 4 in. (1620 mm). From Table 1, the deduction for a 90-degree bend on a No. 8 (No. 25) bar is 2-1/2 in. (65 mm). So, in such a case, the cut length of the bar should be 5 ft 1-1/2 in. (1555 mm).

The usual standard for working out the cut length of a bar is along the actual centerline of the bar, that is equivalent to the neutral axis of the bar cross section before bending. The cut length of a bent bar is less than the sum of the finished dimensions due to the following reasons :-

with a easy-to-follow mathematical calculation.

If the exterior fibers of the bar are elongated easily, the inner fibers of the bar are constrained by friction against the bending mandrel, so, the neutral axis shifts inward approaching the mandrel. It is critical to measure this component. The inconsistency arises from computing the lengths on the basis of the actual centerline is not very important.

Some useful tips to work out the length of the bent bars

Published By
Rajib Dey

What are the maximum bearing capacity of various types of soil

 In this construction video tutorial, one will be familiar with how to determine maximum bearing capacity of various types of soil.

Safe Bearing Capacity of Soils is defined as the maximum strength of loading that the soil will bear securely devoid of the risk associated with shear failure.

The bearing capacity of soil refers to the maximum average contact pressure among the foundation and the soil which should not lead to shear failure in the soil.

In the jobsite you will be provided with drawings along with soil investigation report. From soil investigation report, you can get various information about the soil upon which the building will be constructed like number of fillings in the soil, the bearing capacity of soil, bearing pressure of soil to undergo.

There may be some errors in the report or higher value for bearing capacity.

In this video, you will learn how to find out maximum bearing capacity of soil and tally this figure with the soil test report to check for any discrepancy.

In the video, there are two heads like soil type and safe bearing capacity of soil. In soil type, there are different types of soil like combination of soft, wet and muddy clay, fine/loose or dry sand, soft clay, black cotton soil, moist or sand clay mix, loose gravels, compacted gravels, soft rock, sand or lime stone, hard rock/granite/trap etc. For each type of soil, the maximum safe bearing capacity is provided.

What are the maximum bearing capacity of various types of soil

Published By
Rajib Dey

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Some useful tips to measure loads on column, beam and slab

 In order to work out the total load on columns, Beam and Slab, there should be clear ideas on the types of loads enforcing on the column.

Different Loads operating on Column:

1) Column Self Weight X Number of floors
2) Beams Self Weight per running meter
3) Load of walls per running meter
4) Total load on Slab (Dead load + Live load + Self weight)

Apart from above loading, the columns are also susceptible to bending moments which should be taken into consideration in the final design.

For Colomn: The Self weight of Concrete remains approx 2400 kg/m3, that is similar to 240 kN and self weight of steel is approx 8000 kg/m3.

Therefore, if we consider a column size of 230 mm x 600 mm with 1% steel and 3 meters standard height, the self weight of column is approx 1000 kg per floor that is equivalent to 10 kN.

At the time of making calculation, self weight of columns is taken as 10 to 15 kN per floor.

For Beam: Similar method is also used for making calculations of beam. Suppose, each meter of beam contains dimensions of 230 mm x 450 mm without slab thickness. Therefore, the self weight should be approx 2.5 kN per running meter.

For Walls: The Density of bricks differs among 1500 to 2000 kg per cubic meter. For a brick wall with thickness 6 inch, height 3 meter a length 1 meter. The load / running meter should be equivalent to 0.150 x 1 x 3 x 2000 = 900 kg, that is identical to 9 kN/meter. This method is useful for working out the load of brick per running meter for any brick type.

Some useful tips to measure loads on column, beam and slab

Published By
Rajib Dey

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

How to Test the Consistency of Cement

 Definition: The standard consistency of cement paste is the level of water required, where the plunger infiltrates into the cement paste of about 5mm to 7mm from the base of the shape and in the other word consistency of cement is the base measure of water required to start a synthetic response among water and cement to frame a paste.

A Minimum quantity of water required to initiate the chemical reaction between water and cement to form a paste is known as consistency of cement. The cement consistency which will allow the Vicat plunger to penetrate to 5-7 mm point from the bottom of Vicat mould is known as standard consistency. For reference purposes, the standard consistency of a Portland cement fluctuates between 25–35%.

Significance: We as a whole realize that the strength of concrete relies upon the quality Cement. To get the necessary cement strength, we need to include the perfect measure of water. Water underneath standard security won't start the concoction response among water and cement, which will build the strength of cement.

Water less than the standard consistency would not initiate the chemical reaction between water and cement resulting in the strength of cement. Water more than the consistency results in excess water and strength reduction. That’s why it is important to know the standard consistency of cement material. On the other hand, overabundance of water over steadiness brings about abundance moisture and loss of strength. In this manner it is essential to know the standard consistency of cement.

Different tests on cement:

1. Fineness test of Cement by dry sieving method with 90 micron strainer
2. Adequacy test of cement by Le Chatelier

Reasons for the Test: We know that the cement we used on our site is mostly affected by the following

1. Weather Conditions.
2. Excessive combination of Silica. One of the cement ingredients which determines the initial and final setting time of cement paste.
3. The fineness of cement.
4. Manufacturing Defects.

By Standardising the consistency of cement, we know how much water is required to produce an effective cement which will eventually produce good quality concrete. Standard Consistency of an ordinary Portland cement varies between 25-35%. That means we need 25% of water in volume to make a standard consistency of cement.

For Example, If we need to calculate the amount of water required for a 200 g of cement which has 30% consistency means then we need 200*30% = 60g water to prepare a standard consistency. This is what we are going to find in this test.

How to Test the Consistency of Cement

Published By
Rajib Dey

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Standard 2BHK Flat RCC Design And Calculation

 Today, let us design an average plan of a general 2BHK apartment. What's more, we should just take dead and live loads. Include wind loads and seismic loads as indicated by zone in the wake of rehearsing with dead and live load.

The thought is basic – Slab lays on beams. Beams lay on columns and Columns lay on footings. So design slab first, at that point utilize the load from load to design beams. Beams will put load on columns. Also, columns on footings.


Architectural drawing
IS codes – 456, 875 (I and II)
Soil report
Logical mini-computer (A scientific calculator will suffice)
MS Excel – for quicker counts. Many design workplaces use Excel format sheets. Try not to consider them to be designing programming. They are only for quicker computations and limit blunders.

We should begin the RCC design and calculations now.

Design Plan:

1. Imprint columns.
2. Join columns to check essential beams. There will be tertiary beams laying on essential beams.
3. Imprint all beams. Number them.
4. Presently mark slabs. Slabs with comparative measurements will be denoted the equivalent.
5. Design slabs. Use loads from IS:875 section 2, call it 'w'. Discover the depth and territory of steel. We'll do enumerating later.
6. Presently beams will be determined each separately. To begin with, how about we figure for tertiary beams, i.e beams laying on different beams. Accept, the depth and width of all beams are 500 mm and 300 mm individually. Draw power dia for each beam.

Standard 2BHK Flat RCC Design And Calculation

Published By
Rajib Dey

Monday, August 10, 2020

Types of Pointing in Brick Masonry Construction

 Pointing is the craft of consummation the issue joints inside the uncovered brick work with a satisfactory cement or lime mortar, to shield the joints from climate impacts, to upgrade the presence of building structure. The joints on the essence of any stone work are generally filled, though the divider is being raised.

Pointing is finished with the accompanying mortar blends:

1. Lime mortar 1: 2 blend (1 lime: 2 sand)
2. Cement mortar 1: 3 blend (1 cement: 3 sand)

Technique for Pointing: All the mortar joints in the brick work are raked out to a profundity of 10-15mm with the assistance of pointings tool. Residue and free mortar are completely cleaned. The joints and the surface are washed with clean water and saved wet for at times.

The mortar is taken in a little dish and the old mortar is squeezed into the joints and loaded up with little trowels to reach the joints. Joints are disposed of flushed, sunk, or raised relying upon necessities, expelling overabundance mortar. The completed work is restored for 3-4 days in instances of lime mortar and for 10 days when cement mortar is utilized.

Types of Pointing: Pointing is characterized by wrapping up. The kind of pointings is choice dependent on the sort of brick work, the idea of the structure and the ideal impact of finish.

Beaded pointing: This kind of pointings gives a generally excellent appearance however is hard to keep up. The raked joints are loaded up with a mortar and completed flush with the essence of the property after which are beaded by a steel thruway with a sunken edge in the middle of the joints.

Flush pointing: In any pointings, joints are raked and they are finished flush with the essence of the block workmanship. The sides are accurately cut. It is the most effortless kind of pointings, which is broadly utilized in brick work. This pointing doesn't give a great look, however it is very strong and it doesn't empower dust, earth to hold up over it.

Recessed pointing: In this sort of pointings, the mortar is kept vertical however inside the outside of the divider with the assistance of reasonable hardware. This sort of pointings is reasonable to withstand crafted by blocks of better surface and better quality mortar.

Rubbed or grooved pointings: In this sort of pointings, the raked joints are topped off flush with face or the moan and crescent indents are framed by an uncommon tool. This kind of pointings is regularly utilized, it improves the appearance of the cry.

Types of Pointing in Brick Masonry Construction

Published By
Rajib Dey

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Download West Point Bridge Designer

 The West point bridge designer software is for designing of the bridge. Bridge Design Contest is to give center school and secondary school understudies a sensible, drawing in prologue to building. They are giving this contest as a help to training.

The Bridge Designer 2016 is a free instructive software bundle designed for prologue to building through the design of a steel interstate bridge. To introduce the Bridge Designer, download and run the fitting arrangement document underneath.

The West Point Bridge Design Contest is an across the country Internet-based rivalry expected to advance math, science, and innovation instruction in U.S. center schools and secondary schools. The contest gives understudies a practical prologue to building through drawing in, hands-on design understanding.

The West Point Bridge Designer will acquaint you with building through legitimate, hands-on design understanding. Official software used to enter the West Point Bridge Design Contest. This software gives you the apparatuses to model, test, and advance a steel expressway bridge, in view of reasonable details, limitations, and execution measures.

Your goal is to make an ideal bridge design. An ideal design is one that fulfills the entirety of the design determinations, breezes through a recreated load assessment, and expenses as meager as could reasonably be expected.

System Requirements

Software - West Point Bridge Designer
Developer - Engineering Encounters
Version - 2016
Platform - Windows / Mac
File Size - 38.88 MB
License - Freeware

Outline of West Point Bridge Designer:The Bridge Designer is a free instructive software bundle designed to give center school and secondary school understudies a sensible prologue to building through the design of a steel roadway bridge.

Download West Point Bridge Designer

Published By
Rajib Dey

Friday, August 7, 2020

How to select the best Concrete Contractor?

Along these lines, you're forthright with your next concrete project and are searching for tips to select the best concrete contractor in your town. Regardless of whether you're keen on brick work, garage, porch, walkway, steps, checking, holding divider or other kind of project, there're seemingly a lot of experts out there who can support you. Also, as not all contractors are made equivalent you must limit your decisions to pick the best one.

Selecting the correct concrete contractor is pivotal so as to guarantee your project is done well absent a lot of issues. A terrible contractor can offer cerebral pain to even the hardest with restless evenings. In this way, you need to go past simply discovering names on the web and hitting on the one with the least offer. Your project doesn't merit a modest concrete contractor thus you should not generally go for the most minimal offer. 

The most ideal approach to begin your concrete contractor chase is to go through the business index and registries of your town to outfit an unpleasant rundown of every single accessible alternative. You can likewise request referrals. You can approach your loved ones for referrals as they'll offer you a legitimate guidance. So also in the event that you've seen an appealing garage in your neighborhood, don't stop for a second to approach them for referral. After that you can assess every contractor through arrangement of steps clarified beneath:

Past Experience and Portfolio

Assess a contractor's notoriety by searching for its past experience and portfolio. Search for a firm with bankable notoriety that has a huge customer fulfillment record. You can look for surveys from past customers and clear any uncertainty from it. On the off chance that there's any negative remark about their exhibition, you should be careful about pushing forward with them.

Contact inclinations

Before you sign any agreement, consistently approach the contractor for a rundown of references, and afterward contact those references to become familiar with the contractor and their activity. Make certain to pose inquiries in regards to the sort of project, the length of the project, the contractor's correspondence and inclusion, and the reference's general sentiment. Utilize this data to assist you with settling on your ultimate conclusion.


Now and again things can turn out badly in a place of work, and if this occurs, you need to be certain you're not subject. Verify that the contractors you're thinking about have insurance and that it's sufficient enough to cover your home and your project in case of a mishap. To enable you to conclude, you can generally contact the insurance organization legitimately and request to check the inclusion and the dates.

How to select the best Concrete Contractor

Published By
Rajib Dey

Thursday, August 6, 2020

How can you get good natural Ventilation in Buildings

Natural ventilation is the way toward providing air to and expelling air from an indoor space without utilizing mechanical frameworks. It alludes to the progression of outer air to an indoor space because of weight contrasts emerging from natural powers.

There are two kinds of natural ventilation happening in structures: wind driven ventilation and lightness driven ventilation. Wind driven ventilation emerges from the various weights made by wind around a structure or structure, and openings being shaped on the border which at that point license move through the structure.

Lightness driven ventilation happens because of the directional lightness power that outcomes from temperature contrasts between the inside and outside. Since the inside warmth picks up which make temperature contrasts between the inside and outside are made by natural procedures, including the warmth from individuals, and wind impacts are variable, naturally ventilated structures are some of the time called "breathing structures".

As a matter of first importance, it ought to be recalled that natural ventilation is for the most part successful for little houses, not for huge structures. This framework works by giving windows, entryways, little openings and ventilators in a legitimate area of any house.

Importance of Ventilation - Ventilation is important in structures because of these reasons:

1. To evacuate 'stale' air and supplant it with 'natural' air.
2. Assisting with directing inside temperatures.
3. Assisting with directing inside moistness.
4. Recharging oxygen.
5. Lessening the amassing of dampness, scents, microscopic organisms, dust, carbon dioxide, smoke and different contaminants that can develop during involved periods.
6. Making air development which improves the solace of inhabitants.

Types of Ventilation: Broadly, ventilation in structures can be delegated as 'natural' or 'mechanical'. Mechanical (or constrained) ventilation is driven by fans or other mechanical plants. Natural ventilation is driven by pressure contrasts between one piece of a structure and another, or pressure contrasts between within and outside. For more data see Natural ventilation.

How can you get good natural Ventilation in Buildings

Published By
Rajib Dey

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Design of Highway Alignment

In this post, we are examining the Importance of Highway Alignment and different elements which should have been considered in arranging the highway alignment. The Terms which we talk about here are the most significant and typically go over in highway structuring and arranging. As a structural designer, you should know about these terms. When the arrangement of road construction is chosen, the following stage to chip away at is the highway alignment.

What is Highway Alignment: The situation of the focal line of the highway or the design of the arranged highway line on the ground is called Highway Alignment. Highway Alignment is for the most part stated as two sorts on Highway plans.

Horizontal Alignment: This covers the horizontal way of the road either it's straight or curved or both. Top perspective on road alignment gives horizontal alignment of the road.

Vertical Alignment: This arrangement with the inclinations, slopes and leveling of the ground. Viewpoint view or front view or side perspective on the road alignment causes you to comprehend about Vertical alignment.

Significance of Highway Alignment: Choosing the highway alignment is the most essential piece of road construction. Road construction includes a ton of land securing. When the alignment is fixed and built according to design, it is hard to change it in view of addition at the expense of connecting the area and advancement of costly structures by the roadside. A little mistake in the Highway alignment improves the expense of construction.

The perfect Highway alignment should meet the accompanying rules as follows.

1. The alignment ought to be structured so that the distance between the beginning point and the endpoint of the road ought to be short and straight with fewer curves.
2. The alignment is chosen so that it ought to be anything but difficult to build and keep up. A decent alignment ought to be direct and have less angles and slopes. To accomplish this, a little deviation in alignment is allowed.
3. The alignment ought to be viewed as just when the activity cost, introductory expense and upkeep cost is least.
4. The choice alignment ought to be sheltered during construction, particularly at banks, slopes, bumpy regions and at inclinations.

Components controlling the Highway alignment

Obligatory Points: The control focuses administering highway alignment are called obligatory focuses. These focuses choose where the alignment should pass and where the alignment ought not pass.

Design of Highway Alignment

Published By
Rajib Dey

Best Android Apps for Constructors and Engineers

Construction is a shockingly wide theme. common materials to Construction Apps related innovation. Individuals could likewise attempt to discover a construction application for a spread of reasons. Additionally, it upgrades their efficiency or makes things simpler.

We comprehend what you're searching for. Thus, we have attempted to list down the same number of apps underneath to assist you with discovering something that suits you best. Here are the best construction apps for Android!

ARuler: ARuler is an augmented reality estimation app. This app utilizes your telephone camera and keen innovation to gauge live stuff. The app called "ARuler" highlights a ruler, a separation meter, point estimations, region, and edge estimations, volume, and even some arranging highlights. Expanded the truth is very new. In this manner, we don't anticipate a full, total understanding. In any case, ARuler shows improvement over most others during this space. It may be a helpful instrument for construction ventures. is very simply like the Amazon of construction apps. They are an outsized online retailer that centers around that sort of a variety of construction-related Apps that could help individuals. This application is for the most part useful for specialist construction ventures around the home or yard.

In addition, there are a few comparable apps accessible like this. Moreover, it approaches 16 absolute sites. Presumably you can discover what you're searching for. This app additionally highlights cautions at the drop in costs of discretionary aides and some more. It's anything but an awful spot to begin a home improvement venture.

Construction Master: Construction ace is a costly construction app. Be that as it may, they will in general work entirely well. These are portable app adaptations of genuine number crunchers that you essentially can buy in stores. The in-store variations for the most part cost north of $40. In this way, the costs aren't so awful.

You can do huge amounts of counts with these. A portion of the usefulness incorporates pipe length cuts, unit transformation, right edge and crossbeam figurines, jack rafters, step formats, and a whole lot more. You may need to purchase a couple of those to ask all the capacities you might want. All things considered, it is less expensive than purchasing the genuine equipment.

Evernote: We typically just suggest Evernote for bigger organizations and officials' elite use of late. The app permits you to make incredible point by point notes. Those notes are shareable to others continuously. That way you can rapidly share data.

Best Android Apps for Constructors and Engineers

Published By
Rajib Dey

Monday, August 3, 2020

Timber Piles for Foundations

Timber piles are utilized broadly for compaction of soils and for supporting and ensuring waterfront structures. The decision of utilization of timber piles is chiefly represented by the site conditions, especially water table conditions.

Timber piles are similarly light for their quality and are handily dealt with. Nonetheless, they can't withstand hard-driving as concrete or steel piles can. Hence, timber must be chosen and rewarded cautiously as toughness and execution rely on the nature of the material and nonappearance of normal imperfections.

Classes of Timber Piles: In view of the idea of utilization, piles are named Class-A and Class-B.

Class-A: The Class-A piles are utilized for railroad and roadway spans, trestles, docks, and distribution centers. The butt distance across or sides of the square will not be under 30cm.

Class-B: The Class-B piles are utilized for establishment work other than determined in Class-An and brief work. Piles utilized for compaction of ground will not be under 100mm in distance across or side in square piles.

Timber Piles Specifications: The length of the individual pile will be determined to be ±30cm for long and ± 60cm for lengths above 12m. On account of round piles, the proportion of heartwood distance across to the pile butt measurement will not be under 0.8. Both the finishes will be sawn at right edges to the length of the pile, and the bunches and appendages will be cut to make the surface.

Driving Timber Piles into Ground: The piles in each bowed of a pile will be chosen for consistency in size to encourage the setting of propping individuals. The pile tip will be pointed (except if driving in completely delicate layers) as a shortened cone or a pyramid having the end 25 cm2 to 40 cm2 in region, and the length will be 1 ½ to multiple times the width or side of a square.

In the event that the driving is to be done in a hard material, for example, hardened mud, rock, and so on., metal shoes of affirmed configuration will be connected to the tip. The top of the pile ought to be hooped with an appropriate ring or wrapped with wires to forestall parting and diminish brooming. The heads of piles will be additionally secured by the arrangement of pad squares.

Timber Piles for Foundations

Published By
Rajib Dey