
Friday, July 31, 2020

Types of Retaining Walls

Retaining walls are relatively rigid walls used for supporting soil laterally so that it can be retained at different levels on the two sides.

They are used to bound soils between two different elevations often in areas of terrain possessing undesirable slopes or in areas where the landscape needs to be shaped severely and engineered for more specific purposes like hillside farming or roadway overpasses.

A retaining wall that retains soil on the backside and water on the frontside is called a seawall or a bulkhead.

Next we will go about what are the different types of retaining walls.

Gravity Walls

Some gravity walls don't utilize mortar, depending entirely on their weight to remain set up, as on account of dry stone walls. These walls for the most part are trapezoidal in area. Gravity walls require overwhelming establishment because of the enormous size of the wall. They are prudent and reasonable for just little statues.

Semi-Gravity Retaining Wall

Cantilever Retaining Wall

Types of Retaining Walls

Published By
Rajib Dey

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Materials for Masonry Walls

Walls are a critical structure segment that encases or separates a structure and structures the outskirts of a room. A wall underpins the heaviness of the roof as well as slab and the floor and gives cover from outside upheavals. It comprises the vast majority of the structure mass also. The fashioner chooses the kind of walling framework for a structure dependent on the structure's expense and the whole life-cycle cost of the undertaking.

Masonry walls

It additionally builds the general imperviousness to fire of the structure. Notwithstanding walls of the structure, masonry walls are built as obstructions or limits of the plot.

Masonry Walling Materials

Regular stone

For example, somewhat cut bits of stones are widely utilized for local flowed or semi-flowed masonry, while correctly cut blocks of stones are utilized to make ashlars stonework. Rock, basalt, limestone, marble, and slate are the sorts of as often as possible utilized structure stones.

1. Stone is a meddling volcanic stone having solid and non-permeable attributes. It is utilized in the development of stream walls, dams, connect wharfs, and its cleaned structure is utilized for cladding in sections and walls.

Materials for Masonry Walls

Published By
Rajib Dey

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Composition of Ferrocement in Construction

Ferrocement is a thin walled reinforced concrete framed by little breadth wire meshes put consistently all through the cross-area in cement mortar. Its rigidity-to-weight proportion is exceptionally high contrasted with reinforced concrete, demonstrating a predominant breaking conduct.

Despite the fact that ferrocement is certifiably not a practical material, it is savvy and profoundly effective. It is flame resistant, solid, practical, sans rust, seismic tremor safe, and doesn't spoil or blowdown in harsh natural conditions.

Materials required for ferrocement development

The regular ferrocement has two fundamental segments, the fortifying mesh and mortar blend. The regularly utilized material for ferrocement development is depicted in detail beneath.

Cement mortar blend

The cement mortar is a blend of cement, sand, admixtures, and water. For the most part, the blend utilized in the development of ferrocement has a cement-sand extent of 1 piece of cement to 1.5-2 pieces of sand. The blend's water-cement proportion must be as low as conceivable to have great functionality and quality.


Generally, Ordinary Portland Cement is utilized in the cement mortar blend of ferrocement development, while Rapid solidifying Portland cement can be utilized in colder areas. At times, the sulfate-safe portland cement is utilized either somewhat or totally to counter sulfate assault.

The prescribed amount of cement is 500 to 600 kg for every cubic meter. Utilizing a lesser amount of cement will diminish the general quality and increment porousness.


To achieve a high-grade impenetrable mortar, it is important to have perfect, great, and all around evaluated sand (standard waterway sand can be utilized). It ought not contain pyrites, sulfates, or artificially dynamic components that could be destructive to the blend.

The ocean sand could likewise be utilized in the wake of washing off its saline compositions. It is prescribed to utilize sharp sand (otherwise called coarseness/stream sand) without non-crystalline minerals. The greatest admissible grain size of the sand is 2.36mm, and the fineness modulus should exist in the scope of 2.5 to 3.0.

Composition of Ferrocement in Construction

Published By
Rajib Dey

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Methods used for Curing of Concrete

Concrete needs to be cured. There are many different methods of curing. The selection of a specific method will rely on the idea of work and the climatic conditions. The accompanying methods of curing of concrete are commonly embraced.

1. Shading concrete work
2. Covering concrete surfaces with hessian or gunny sacks Sprinkling of water
3. Ponding method
4. Membrane curing
5. Steam curing

Shading concrete work

The object of shading concrete work is to keep the vanishing of water from the surface even before setting. This is embraced for the most part in the event of huge concrete surfaces, for example, street sections.

This is basic in dry climates to shield the concrete from heat, direct sun beams and wind. It likewise shields the surface from downpour. In chilly climate shading helps in protecting the warmth of hydration of concrete in this way forestalling freezing of concrete under mellow ice conditions. Shading might be accomplished by utilizing canvas extended on outlines. This method has a restricted application in particular.

Covering concrete surfaces with hessian or gunny sacks

This is a broadly utilized method of curing, especially for basic concrete. In this way the uncovered surface of concrete is kept from drying out by covering it with hessian, canvas or void concrete packs. The covering over vertical and inclined surfaces ought to be made sure about appropriately. These are intermittently wetted.

The time period will rely on the pace of dissipation of water. It ought to be guaranteed that the surface of concrete isn't permitted to dry in any event, for a brief timeframe during the curing time frame. Uncommon game plans for keeping the surface wet must be made at evenings and on vacations.

Methods used for Curing of Concrete

Published By
Rajib Dey

Monday, July 27, 2020

Parapet Walls – Types and Uses

Parapet wall is an assurance wall so as to forestall us tumbling from porch to ground. There are different sorts of parapet wall like block wall brickwork parapet wall, wooden handrail, iron flame broil and so forth. In this article, we will talk about block wall stone work.

In this article, we will talk about why we ought not utilize half block parapet walls and different factor influencing while at the same time developing half block parapet wall.

Size of parapet walls

1. Thickness of parapet wall must be least 9'' ( full block parapet wall)
2. Half block parapet walls ought not be considered
3. Tallness of the parapet wall must be least 3'0''

Why must stature be 3'0'' and thickness must be 9''?

After expulsion of centering and covering from rooftop section base, some diversion will happen at mid range of rooftop chunk (positive twisting moment). Same will happen at help as negative bowing moment.In request to capture negative bowing second at help, we need immense measure of burden as downwards.

Assume on the off chance that you construct the parapet wall as half block wall, you can not capture the rooftop from elevating. On the off chance that you manufacture the parapet wall at least 9'' thickness and stature at least 3'0'' tallness, we can keep the rooftop chunk from different kinds of splits at base of roof will be captured. In the wake of developing a full block parapet wall, expulsion of centering and covering will be a decent practice to stay away from the inspiration of rooftop.

In future extensions on the first floor, you need not wreck the current parapet wall in the event that it is built as 9'' thick. assume if effectively finished the parapet wall as half block wall, presently you have to destroy the current parapet wall up to the rooftop and make the as 9''.so you ought to go through additional cash up to ledge level of first floor.

Parapet Walls – Types and Uses
Published By
Rajib Dey

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Reinforcement of Concrete Slabs

The determination of a formwork framework ought to be made based on the chosen floor framework that satisfies the basic stacking conditions. Floor slabs in concrete structures are classified into two essential sorts, in view of the heap appropriation applied on the Reinforced Concrete slab:

Two-way slab, in which the rectangularity proportion (slab length/width) is somewhere in the range of 1 and 2, and the slab load is moved to the supporting pillars in two directions.Two-way development incorporates flat plate, flat slab, waffle slab, and two-way slabs bolstered by drop shafts.

Single direction slab, in which the rectangularity proportion (slab length/width) is more than 2, and the slab load is moved to the supporting bars a single way. Single direction development as a rule remembers strong slabs for shafts or dividers, single direction joist (ribbed) slabs upheld on bars or bearing dividers.

Two-Way Flat Plate: Such slabs might be cantilevered at the outside of the structure to allow the utilization of outside balconies.The supporting segments for flat plates are normally similarly dispersed to encourage the plan and development of such slabs.

This framework is prudent for ranges of up to 23 ft (7.0 m) with mellow reinforcing.Flat plates can be built in least time since they use the easiest conceivable formwork. Level plates have been utilized effectively in multi storey inn, lodging, medical clinic, and high rises.

Two-Way Flat Slab: A flat slab basic framework comprises a steady thickness of Reinforced Concrete slab with drop boards at the sections areas. Note that the framework is normally appropriate for square or about square boards.

In prior years, section capitals were utilized alongside drop boards, but since of the higher formwork cost, segment capitals are less preferred in the present development practice. Level slabs are utilized to oppose heavier burdens and longer ranges than flat plates. Generally, the framework is generally appropriate for square or about square boards.

Reinforcement of Concrete Slabs
Published By
Rajib Dey

Friday, July 24, 2020

How to Prepare Concrete for Waterproofing

Waterproofing concrete is essential to shield the surface from extreme moisture. At the point when water saturated concrete, the concrete extends and agrees because of patterns of freezing and defrosting. Breaks and openings may shape accordingly. Waterproofing will help ensure against this issue.

Waterproofing sealant can't be applied to concrete that has not been appropriately arranged. Getting ready concrete for waterproofing is a significant advance in guaranteeing that the waterproofing sealer works appropriately.

Preparation of Concrete for waterproofing

Permit new concrete to cure for at least seven days before waterproofing. Fix any harmed territories of the concrete. Fill in splits or openings with a concrete fixing compound.

Scour the concrete with a dry, hardened brush to slacken any held up soil or flotsam and jetsam. Line up by clearing the concrete with a brush. In case you're waterproofing concrete dividers, utilize the delicate brush connection on a vacuum cleaner as opposed to a brush.

Basically, with the assistance of chipping hammer expel sprawl or spall i.e than a meager mortar (2-4mm) is required for shutting little openings and making the surface smooth. However, all concrete development shares one issue for all intents and purposes. A chipping, disintegrating portion of the surface, called a spawl or spall, is an early admonition sign that concrete fixes are required. Fix a concrete spawl quickly to limit the degree and cost of the work.

Instructions to Repair a Concrete Spawl

Concrete is a modest development material that has been utilized for in excess of 2,000 years. Vaults, segments, pillars, chunks, walkways and lawn yards are made of concrete. With appropriate consideration and use, concrete development can last a few lifetimes.

Be that as it may, all concrete development shares one issue for all intents and purposes. A chipping, disintegrating portion of the surface, called a spawl or spall, is an early admonition sign that concrete fixes are required. Fix a concrete spawl quickly to limit the degree and cost of the work. Pick fix materials to coordinate prerequisites of the establishment.

How to Prepare Concrete for Waterproofing

Published By
Rajib Dey

Thursday, July 23, 2020

The Good and Bad of Precast Piles

The most common type of them, a precast concrete pile is a deep foundation used to transfer loads from a upper, soft layer of soil to a hardar, capable lower layer. They can be rectangular, square, round or polygonal in shape. Extra reinforcements are provided in the concrete so as to provide support for the forces received before the instalent.

The precast concrete piles are constructed in a casting yard. Then they are transported to the required location and installed as necessary.

They are constructed by pouring the concrete in a conventional reinforcement cage. This has several steel bars in horizontal and vertical positions, held together by individual or spiral ties.

Types of Precast Concrete Piles

There are two main categories into which we can divide:

1. Driven Precast Concrete Piles

It is precast in a construction yard and then hammered into the soft ground at the target location. At most they can go up to 40 feet deep.

2. Bored Precast Concrete Piles

After they are made in the construction yard, they are transferred to the target location. The location already has boreholes for the piles; they are just lowered into these holes. Any space remaining between the bore hole and the pile is grouted.

Difference between the Driven and Bored Precast Concrete Piles

1. Bored piles are better in urban locations since they avoid the noise and vibrations caused by vibrators.
2. The bore hole can be as deep as necessary, or as deep as the machinery can go. Unlike driven piles, the bore piles have no depth limit.
3. Driven piles can be established quickly.
4. Driven piles can be easily used underwater.

The Good and Bad of Precast Piles

Published By
Rajib Dey


Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Water Leak Detection Methods

Water leaks may become unpleasant disclosures that regularly bear genuine and costly outcomes. To an astonishing number of individuals, be that as it may, a leaking fixture or a hairline split in a water pipe does little to cause caution, especially if the heft of the issue is taken cover behind a divider or underneath the ground.

For those acquainted with the range of harm that can possibly be brought about by water framework disappointments, water leak detection is considered as a real part of other critical home and building support speculations. This article plans to respond to a portion of the inquiries encompassing water leak detection and help those new to the procedure to see how significant it tends to be.

How to Detect Water Leaks

Current leak detection frameworks adopt a sound-based strategy to decide whether any of the pipes inside a water framework have been undermined. Utilizing a variety of sensors situated all through the framework even the subtlest sound of trickling water can be estimated and used to find the leak.

Sound, just as recurrence, is fundamental to finding the source and earnestness of the break, as water leaking at different weights yields various frequencies. The signs and recurrence got broken down by the framework and given to a certified expert who would then be able to utilize this and other data available to them to decide how best to address the leak.

The information the person surveys can assist them with organizing constrained assets, permitting them to quickly address genuinely undermined parts while deprioritizing less dire issues. The outcome is a very much kept up framework with the least measure of administration disturbances at the most minimal conceivable expense.

Water Leak Detection

Published By
Rajib Dey

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Pre Engineered Buildings (PEB)

Pre Engineered Buildings (PEB) are the buildings which are engineered at a factory and assembled at site. Typically PEBs are steel structures. Developed segments are manufactured at the factory to correct size, moved to site and assembled at site with catapulted associations. This sort of Structural Concept is commonly used to manufacture Industrial Buildings, Metro Stations, Warehouses and so on.

The adaptability of PEB in the spot of Conventional Steel Building plan ideas brought about numerous favorable circumstances, including economy and simpler manufacture.

These sort of building structures can be done inside to serve any capacities that are really helpful in a low ascent building plan. Instances of Pre-Engineered Buildings are distribution centers, Canopies, Factories, Bridges and so on.

Segments of PEB: Pre Engineered Buildings comprise diverse steel structural part which are as per the following,

1. Primary Frame: Primary surrounding of a PEB is a gathering of built up I-Shaped steel individuals and encircling brackets or castellated beams and so forth.
2. Secondary Structural Elements: It is really Cold Formed Members, which can be in diff. shapes like "Z", "C" and so forth. As a rule known as "Purlins".
3. Roof and Wall Panels : Tin conceals and Curtain Wall made of Glass and Roll-shaped steel sheets typically comes in this class.
4. Sandwich Panels: Sandwich Panel is made of three layers , in which a non-Aluminum Core is embedded b/w two aluminum sheet.
5. Different Accessories: Mezzanine floors, Bolts, Insulation, and so on.

Pre Engineered Buildings (PEB)

Published By
Rajib Dey

Monday, July 20, 2020

How to design Doubly Reinforced Beams

Concrete has quite high compressive strength, but low tensile strength. However, steel has very high tensile strength. That is why we insert steel reinforcements in the tension zones of a structure.

Now, you can provide reinforcements in concrete beams in two ways - single reinforcement (commonly used) and double reinforcement. Today, we will talk about doubly reinforced beams.

In case of doubly reinforced beams, steel reinforcements are inserted into both the tensile and compression zones of a beam. Meaning, at the top and the bottom of the beam. In contrast, the singly reinforced beams have reinforcements only at the bottom, where it needs tensile support.

Further, in singly reinforced beams, there are two steel bars to be provided, but you need not consider the moment of resistance. However, when you do need to consider this, you have to provide additional bars to reduce the tension in the over-reinforced section.

In case of doubly reinforced beams, though, the matter is quite different. In this case you will have to find out the moment of resistance first! Then, you need the area of tension steel (Ast) and area of compression steel (Asc). Combined, they would overcome the Excess Bending Moment (Mu2).

Designing doubly reinforced beams

When we begin designing a doubly reinforced beam, we need to be careful about some factors. For example, the depth of the beam may need to be limited to given values, be it for architectural reasons or otherwise.

If that is the case, you will have to implement the doubly reinforced beam with the requirement to resist more than standard limiting moment in that confined space you have for it. As a general rule of thumb, we design doubly reinforced beams when the go-to design moment of resistance is higher than that of the limiting moment of resistance.

The beam can be defined as a structural member that carries all vertical loads and resists bending. There are several types of materials used for beams, such as steel, wood, fibers, etc. But the most common material is reinforced concrete.

How to design Doubly Reinforced Beams

Published By
Rajib Dey

Friday, July 17, 2020

5 Important Points About Preparing Slabs

Concrete Floor Slab is a basic component that comes in numerous structures. The most common ones are the slab-on-grade and suspended slabs. Slab on grade or commonly called SOG is a concrete slab put on the head of completely compacted earth materials.

Suspended slabs, on the other hand, are elevated slabs that structure the tales on each building and rooftop decks. Appropriate elevations and leveling must be done on throwing concrete slabs. Along these lines, settlement because of self-weight loads and other outer power incited by the structure must be considered before the genuine throwing of the slabs, particularly for suspended slabs.

1. Estimating steel bars to deliver on-site

Setting up an estimate to convey on-site must be planned relying upon the need on-site. Venture engineers base the estimate to convey on a list pre-orchestrated by the quantity surveyors. Some venture engineers want to have their individual site engineers check the assessments of the quantity surveyors and contrast it with the real number of steel bars required on-site.

More often than not, the information given by the site engineers wins and is utilized by the obtainment group on acquiring the all out number of steel bars. Besides, engineers consider including at any rate 10% of the genuine assessments as a wastage factor.

As a custom on site, venture engineers and directors have a few steel bar providers; should one provider come up short, the individual has the second provider to deal with.

5 Important Points About Preparing Slabs

Published By
Rajib Dey

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Application of Waterproofing

The reason for the application of waterproofing is to forestall the water to permeate or enter into any underground concrete members. At the point when the water enters into the subgrade concrete-like establishment, for example, tangle establishment, balance, rafter, and so forth the steel fortification that is inserted in the concrete would erode because of a concoction response brought about by water and the structure would inevitably come up short.

Application of waterproofing particularly for enormous structures would need to be carefully administered by a quality specialist so as to forestall disappointment of application or dissention to the quality method.

In this technical explanation, we'll be going to utilize the membrane type waterproofing, this sort of waterproofing is fitting for structures like tall structures which has a more profound establishment where water pressure is amazingly high.

Here is the technique explanation for application of waterproofing membrane.

Reason and Coverage

The reason for this technique articulation is to portray the measures and methods of the best possible application of waterproofing membrane in our undertaking. Work will be completed according to the drawing and task determination.

Work strategy

Work readiness and application of primer: Any undulations or distensions on a superficial level would be expelled so as to get a smooth surface. The surface must be completely cleaned and liberated from dust, soil free materials, grease or oil. Then, some 50x50mm sized filet made of concrete sand (1:3) blend would be put along corners of dividers or neck segments and some other intersections.

Application of Waterproofing

Published By
Rajib Dey

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Fixed Cross Section Prestressed Concrete

Prestressed concrete is versatile to a wide assortment of basic frameworks. These incorporate pre-tensioned and post-tensioned structures, both cast set up and precast, and other prestressed elements related to regularly reinforced concrete. While there is no broad arrangement for precast and prestressed concrete, it is valuable to amass certain elements and structures to clarify how prestressed and precast concrete is designed and built.

Prestressed and precast concrete might be considered in four general classes:

1. Standardized Elements
2. Fixed Cross Section Elements
3. Fully Engineered Elements
4. Precast Non-prestressed Elements

While there is some cover, each gathering has its own special attributes. We will discuss the Fixed Cross Section Elements of prestressed concrete today.

Fixed Cross Section Elements

The design engineer is required to decide the prestressing forces and tendon areas in fixed cross section circumstances. Two regular fixed section design conditions are post-tensioned pillars and slabs for building or parking structure development, and girders for bridge development. Different utilizations of fixed section elements incorporate structures, for example, water tanks and post-tensioned slabs on-ground.

Flat plate and flat slab floor frameworks are undeniably appropriate for the utilization of post-tensioning tendons. Another well known framework is single direction slab and pillar floor frameworks that are thrown set up. The design engineer determines a tendon profile geometry and a normal viable post-tensioning force important to fulfill the design necessities.

Fixed Cross Section Prestressed Concrete

Published By
Rajib Dey

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

What Is the Difference Between Concrete vs. Shotcrete

Concrete is a building material that arrives in various choices, including lightweight, heavyweight, permeable, and fiber-reinforced, to fit a scope of development needs. It comprises fine shakes mixed with water and glue that solidifies. A popularly utilized special type of concrete is known as "shotcrete."

The significant contrast among shotcrete and concrete is the placement technique. The shotcrete procedure, in the case of utilizing wet or dry material feed, doesn't require forming or compaction accordingly improving plan imagination and application adaptability, regularly bringing about a reserve fund of time or cash.

What is Shotcrete

Shotcrete is a particular kind of concrete that can either be dry-mix or wet-mix. It's gotten known for its exceptional application process that varies from customary concrete. Shotcrete was initially called "Gunite" when Carl Akeley planned a multiplied loaded concrete gun in 1910. His mechanical assembly pneumatically applied a sand-concrete mixture at a high speed to the expected surface.

Different trademarks were before long evolved known as Guncrete, Pneucrete, Blastcrete, Blocrete, Jetcrete and so forth all alluding to pneumatically applied concrete. Today Gunite likens to dry-mix process shotcrete while the expression "shotcrete" normally depicts the wet-mix shotcrete process. At the purpose of use, both are commonly alluded to as shotcrete.

Dry-mix Shotcrete

Dry-mix process shotcrete presents and mixes the necessary water at the application spout as the dry cementitious materials (fly ash, slag, silica fume and so forth.) and totals are conveyed through the "gun". The nozzleman controls mix consistency, altering water expansion to suit the changing states of the work region.

What Is the Difference Between Concrete vs. Shotcrete

Published By
Rajib Dey

Monday, July 13, 2020

Top 10 Construction Schedule Sheets Free Download

Construction projects are amazingly time-delicate and depend vigorously on schedules and cutoff times to arrive on schedule and on financial plan. Consequently, it's essential to actualize an assortment of construction schedules (from day by day to week after week to month to month) to guarantee you keep your construction project on target.

Advantages of keeping a construction scheduling sheet

Notwithstanding keeping your project moving, you'll need construction schedules to do the accompanying:

  • Keep the client circled in on when they can anticipate that their project should be done, or make clients mindful of any hiccups or barricades in the schedule.
  • Advise your client and all project partners of any obligations or cutoff times that they have to meet.
  • Schedule extra gatherings associated with your project, similar to subcontractors, auditors, designers, and so forth.
  • Foresee the income of the project (or then again, the expense of the project).
  • Give clear correspondence between the project manager, the construction laborers, outsider merchants, partners, and clients.
  • Keep desires lined up with the genuine schedules and expectations of the project.

What to Do Before Making a Construction Schedule

Before you make a plunge and start mapping out your construction project, you should initially guarantee that you comprehend the project and every applicable errand related to it. Also, know about every single potential detour that would upset the first timetable.

To guarantee you are thinking about all project errands and their related imperatives, start by causing a rundown of undertakings that must be finished all through the span of your project. Incorporate a nitty gritty portrayal of each, and separate errands into subtasks when fundamental.

Construction Work Schedule Template
Published By
Rajib Dey